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Workshop of Administrative Informatic I LABA Classroom, Tuesday and Thrusday at 18:00-20:00, Wednesday at 18:00-19:00 Instructor: M.C. Juan Carlos Olivares.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop of Administrative Informatic I LABA Classroom, Tuesday and Thrusday at 18:00-20:00, Wednesday at 18:00-19:00 Instructor: M.C. Juan Carlos Olivares."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop of Administrative Informatic I LABA Classroom, Tuesday and Thrusday at 18:00-20:00, Wednesday at 18:00-19:00 Instructor: M.C. Juan Carlos Olivares Rojas E-mail: MSN: Webs: Advisoring: M-F at 16:00 at J Building

2 2/12 Outline Introduction Topics Grading Recommendations SES

3 3/12 Introduction The students will identified the relation between Administration with Informatic, They will use Applications on Internet, Word Processing, SpreadSheet and Presentations which let their use like working tools for their profesional activities. Previous topics: No Posterior topics: Workshop on Administrative Informatic II SES

4 4/12 Topics 1.Informatic Topics 2.Internet 3.Word Processing 4.Spreadsheet 5.Presentations SES

5 5/12 Grading 30% Exam, 70% Works and Homeworks, 1 10% Quizzes All the Unit must be passed with 70 or more SES

6 6/12 Recommendations The homework must be delivery in Classroom or before class thought moodle or by CD. 10 minutes later the classes start and anybody come in. I don’t justified assitance SES

7 7/12 Recommendations It is forbidden to enter with food and drinks to the classroom. It should be kept clean your place. You must turn off your cell phone or put it on vibrate mode. Can not be answered in the classroom. SES

8 8/12 Recommendations We do not accept research works without references. All the works and homeworks will be individual. Plagiarism will be severely punished. SES

9 9/12 Recommendations First Plagarism reproval the unit. Second Plagarism reproval the course. In the exam is forbidden to use cell phones, PDA's, calculators, etc. For anything else will be handled according to school Regulations. SES

10 10/12 References There are many books and information sources in Internet. All the books about how to write a Thesis, Research Methodologies and some Thesis, Papers or Research Project Documentation are excellent references SES

11 11/12 Questions? SES

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