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29.12.04 updated 7.12.07CmpE 583 Fall 2004Discussion: Web Services- 1 CmpE 583- Web Semantics: Theory and Practice DISCUSSION: WEB SERVICES Atilla ELÇİ.

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Presentation on theme: "29.12.04 updated 7.12.07CmpE 583 Fall 2004Discussion: Web Services- 1 CmpE 583- Web Semantics: Theory and Practice DISCUSSION: WEB SERVICES Atilla ELÇİ."— Presentation transcript:

1 29.12.04 updated 7.12.07CmpE 583 Fall 2004Discussion: Web Services- 1 CmpE 583- Web Semantics: Theory and Practice DISCUSSION: WEB SERVICES Atilla ELÇİ Computer Engineering Department Eastern Mediterranean University

2 29.12.04 updated 7.12.07 CmpE 583 Fall 2004 Discussion: Web Services- 2 Rules in Semantic Web Services Rule-Based Semantic Web Services (RSWS):  Slides pp. 32-40 in [Grosof] Discuss: Importance and maturity of OWL  Slide: #52: OWL: SW ontologies KR standard: in [Grosof]. IV. Research Directions:  Slide # 42-48 in [Grosof].  See ICWS 2008 topicsICWS 2008 topics

3 29.12.04 updated 7.12.07 CmpE 583 Fall 2004 Discussion: Web Services- 3 HomeWork: Those who drew the last homework using a tool should please forward me a soft copy. Same goes for the MT#1.

4 29.12.04 updated 7.12.07 CmpE 583 Fall 2004 Discussion: Web Services- 4 Midterm Exam #1: Individuality is of paramount importance. Q1: Succinct survey of essential differences and similarities. Q2: Need to follow direstions indicated in the questions.  a. Intended to compare capabilities of UML vs. RDF. Need to hop from UML to RDF in one step. The class diagrams given are only a small portion of application specification using UML. Think how to convert the rest to RDF!  b. RDF graph to N3 in one step. Intended to show elegance and simplicity of N3 vs. RDF graph ( vs UML).  c. Again, UML / RDF to XML not reverse direction.  d. Needed to: i. Embed class structure İi. Provide instantiation (made-up data). Q3: Opinion based on findings substantiated by references. Qs? Concerns?

5 29.12.04 updated 7.12.07 CmpE 583 Fall 2004 Discussion: Web Services- 5 CASE STUDIES Q & A.

6 29.12.04 updated 7.12.07 CmpE 583 Fall 2004 Discussion: Web Services- 6 MT#2 Subjects: Ontology When: ? Mode: ?

7 29.12.04 updated 7.12.07 CmpE 583 Fall 2004 Discussion: Web Services- 7 Final: Subjects: Course content When: ? Mode: Choices for the class as a whole:  Take home  In session  Development

8 29.12.04 updated 7.12.07 CmpE 583 Fall 2004 Discussion: Web Services- 8 Rules and Reasoning MATHEUS, J. Christopher, Mitch M. KOKAR, Kenneth BACLAWSKI, and Jerzy LETKOVSKI: Constructing RuleML-based domain theories on top of OWL ontologies. In [Schroeder-2003] pp: 81-94. ANTONIOU, Grigoris and Gerd WAGNER: Rules and defeasible reasoning in semantic Web. Pp: 111-120 in [Schroeder-2003].

9 29.12.04 updated 7.12.07 CmpE 583 Fall 2004 Discussion: Web Services- 9 Reasoning and Inference: papers Assman, Uwe: Composing frameworks and components for families of semantic Web applications. Pp: 1-15 in [Bry et al]. Peter DOLOG, Nicola HENZE, Wolfgang NEJDL, and Michael SINTEK: Towards the adaptive semantic Web. Pp: 51-68 in [Bry et al].

10 29.12.04 updated 7.12.07 CmpE 583 Fall 2004 Discussion: Web Services- 10 References [Grosof] Benjamin GROSOF: "Semantic Web Services, Rules, and E-Contracting", slides of Harvard University seminar talk, at Harvard University Information Technology & Management Seminar series, Oct. 2, 2003 (in PDF)."Semantic Web Services, Rules, and E-Contracting", slides of Harvard University seminar talk [Schroeder-2003] SCHROEDER, Michael, and WAGNER, Gerd (editors): Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web, Proceedings of the Second International Workshop RuleML 2003, Springer 2003. ISBN: 3-540-20361-3. [Bry et al] François BRY, Nicola HENZE, and Jan MALUSZYNSKI (editors): Principles and Practice of Semantic Web Reasoning, Proceedings of the International Workshop, PPSWR 2003, Mumbai, India, December 2003. Springer 2003. ISSN: 0302- 9743.

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