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Warm-Up 8/18/14 What is a hemisphere? In what hemispheres are the areas of the Middle East?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up 8/18/14 What is a hemisphere? In what hemispheres are the areas of the Middle East?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up 8/18/14 What is a hemisphere? In what hemispheres are the areas of the Middle East?

2 What is a Hemisphere? Definition of Hemisphere – Half of the earth (hemi means half); the earth is divided into four hemispheres (the equator divides the earth into northern and southern hemispheres; the prime meridian divides the earth into eastern and western hemispheres).

3 Warm Up 8/19/14 Name the 5 oceans Name the 7 continents

4 Table of Contents 2. 8/18 The Physical Map of the Middle East 3. 8/18 Physical Map of North Africa and SW Asia 4. 8/18 Close Up map of Israel 5.8/19 SW Asia Professional Map 6.8/19 Africa Professional Map


6 Warm Up 8/20/14 Media center

7 Warm Up 8/21/14 Write “Media Center” for the Warm Up on 8/20 Name 8 water features we have listed on our maps.

8 Warm Up 8/22/14 Name 5 countries in the area we are studying.

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