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Walt Whitman’s Ladder mu2-walt. CIT: Eternal Forms mu1-cit.pptx CIT: Eternal Forms mu1-cit.pptx rev. 151031 Previou s.

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Presentation on theme: "Walt Whitman’s Ladder mu2-walt. CIT: Eternal Forms mu1-cit.pptx CIT: Eternal Forms mu1-cit.pptx rev. 151031 Previou s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Walt Whitman’s Ladder mu2-walt

2 CIT: Eternal Forms mu1-cit.pptx CIT: Eternal Forms mu1-cit.pptx rev. 151031 Previou s

3 Life is a spiral. I meet the same men, the same women, the same situations, again and again, but …

4 … each time higher, higher. Life is a road. Where does it go? I don’t know, but it goes some place good! He’s a Jnani. Tem and Tuddle, it’s a fact. [NoI-10] You’ll better serve your Generals if you keep him at your back.

5 We started this show with the KRSNA book, with a story of Goats and all. So, fourth chapter, its time to return there, we hear King Satrājit call.

6 KB 56: The Story of the Syamantaka Jewel There was a king of the name Satrājit within the jurisdiction of Dvārakā- dhāma. He was a great devotee of the sun-god, who awarded him the benediction of a jewel known as Syamantaka. Because of this Syamantaka jewel, there was a misunderstanding between King Satrājit and the Yadu dynasty Later the matter was settled when Satrājit voluntarily offered K ṛṣṇ a his daughter, Satyabhāmā, along with the Syamantaka jewel.

7 In all the worlds, if we shipwrecked were for months and years on end, And could only take one book with us, it would be KRSNA, the two volume set, original, with the format Prabhupada did entend.

8 “There was a king of the name Satrājit, Within the jurisdiction of Dvārakā-dhāma.” Look! Look, very carefully, chant, pray! Can’t you see that this is where it all starts? Unless you under- stand this first secret correctly all your other chanting, recitation of the KRSNA book, will be 1+1=3, it will all start with a twisted basis. Why did you, Hanumatpresaka Swami, Huber Hutchin Robinson, our dear reader, get the 56 th -chapter of the Krsna book, volume two of two, or any specific book, first? īśāvāsyam ida ṁ sarva ṁ [NoI-2] – everything is owned and controlled by the Lord, īśā, Dvarakadisa. It has always haunted us this way. This first Krsna book story, our years with Jayananda Das, have always echoed in our intelligence like an architype. -Ω--Ω-

9 “There was a king of the name Satrājit, Within the jurisdiction of Dvārakā-dhāma.” We are reading in Prabhupada (page 90), how he dictated the books phrase by phrase. So, in the same way we found ourselves reading it, with its 14pt type at our gaze. This book (and his others?) are for reading, understanding, contemplating and … loving, And then we will have conquered the maze.

10 o The anti- christ. o Why is there evil? o Lila- smaranam. o The anti- christ. o Why is there evil? o Lila- smaranam.

11 Next... mu3-satrajit

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