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9/9. BW In Beowulf, swords fail three times. 1)Grendel bewitches the weapons of Beowulf’s thanes when they try to help him in the fight. 2)Beowulf is.

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Presentation on theme: "9/9. BW In Beowulf, swords fail three times. 1)Grendel bewitches the weapons of Beowulf’s thanes when they try to help him in the fight. 2)Beowulf is."— Presentation transcript:

1 9/9

2 BW In Beowulf, swords fail three times. 1)Grendel bewitches the weapons of Beowulf’s thanes when they try to help him in the fight. 2)Beowulf is unable to use his sword in Grendel’s mother’s lair. 3)Beowulf’s sword Naegling snaps when he uses it on the dragon.

3 BW Considering that weapons in Beowulf are so valuable (some are “ancestral”), what do you make of this motif? (3 or 4 sentences)

4 The Colon (:) Rule #1: Use a colon after a clause that introduces a formal list. Do not use a colon unless the words preceding the list from a complete sentence.

5 The Colon (:) Incorrect: The poets I like are: Walt Whitman, Robert Frost, and Emily Dickinson. Correct: I like these poets: Walt Whitman, Robert Frost, and Emily Dickinson.

6 The Colon (:) Incorrect: The basket is filled with: apples, oranges, and bananas. Correct: The basket was filled with the following fruits: apples, oranges, and bananas.

7 The Colon (:) Rule #2: Use a colon after a statement that introduces an explanation or amplification of that statement.

8 The Colon (:) Correct: One characteristic accounted for his success: complete honesty. There was only one way to solve the mystery: we had to find the missing letter. Beowulf articulates the warrior code of conduct: “Let whoever can/ win glory before death” (1387-1388).

9 The Colon (:) Rule #3: Use a colon after expressions like he said when they introduce a long and formal quotation. A long quotation is one that extends for four or more lines.

10 The Colon (:) Rule #4: Use a colon after the formal greeting of a letter, between the hour and minute in time designations, between a chapter and verse reference from the Bible, and between a title and subtitle.

11 The Colon (:) Correct: Dear Sir: 8:40 P.M. John 3:16 Beowulf: Portrait of a Hero

12 The Dash (—) This is how to form a dash—like this! We now know how to form a dash—Hooray!

13 The Dash (—) Rule #1: Use a dash to indicate an abrupt shift or break in the thought of a sentence or to set off an informal or emphatic parenthesis.

14 The Dash (—) Harvey decided to go to—but you wouldn’t be interested in that story. Mary told me—would you believe it?—that she preferred a quiet vacation at home. At the age of three—such is the power of youth—Judy could stand on her head.

15 The Dash (—) Rule #2: Use dashes to set off an appositive or parenthetical element that is internally punctuated.

16 The Dash (—) Correct: Her roommates—Jane, Laura, and Ruth— are spending the weekend with her.

17 The colon and the dash 1)Marty, please be careful with that porcelain vase because—oh, goodness, I spoke too late!

18 The colon and the dash 2)Here is Dr. Harriman’s suggested list of books I should read this semester: Little Dorrit…

19 The colon and the dash 3)The best way to get Henry’s attention is to utter these simple words: “Let’s eat.”

20 The colon and the dash 4)I believe I see a parking place just to the right of—well, now we have passed it.

21 The colon and the dash 5)Fred’s latest book will probably not have a wide appeal; its title is Snakes: History of a Reptilian Species.

22 The colon and the dash 6)Dot made the announcement that she will receive her degree in June and will spend next year in France.

23 The colon and the dash 7)The woman’s basket was so full of vegetables—beets, squash, potatoes, corn, and beans—that she could hardly carry the load to her car.

24 The colon and the dash 8)Bobby declares that his favorite television shows are “Batman,” “Superman,” and “The Flintstones.”

25 The colon and the dash 9)Bobby is—you’ve probably guessed—only four years old.

26 The colon and the dash 10)Our club officers—Frances, Marilyn, and Joel—are going to post announcements on campus to advertise our Saturday morning car wash.

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