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PRAYER TEAM. Six Dream Dynamics 1.Your Mission 2.Your Core Values 3.Your Vision? 4.Prayer Team 5.Funding Team 6.Startup Team.

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Presentation on theme: "PRAYER TEAM. Six Dream Dynamics 1.Your Mission 2.Your Core Values 3.Your Vision? 4.Prayer Team 5.Funding Team 6.Startup Team."— Presentation transcript:


2 Six Dream Dynamics 1.Your Mission 2.Your Core Values 3.Your Vision? 4.Prayer Team 5.Funding Team 6.Startup Team

3 Hinge Module Develop DreamBuild Team

4 Creating Ownership A common vision that is shared by the planter and the core group WITH EQUAL PASSION.

5 Planter Profile 1.Spiritual Leader 2.Missionary Leader 3.“V” Team Builder 4.Resource Developer 5.People Gatherer 6.People Developer 7.Ministry Developer

6 Support: 12:1

7 Four Support Teams Prayer Funding Pastor Startup

8 Question How will you mobilize spiritual resources?

9 Spiritual Fact #1 If you go into church planting, you are going into spiritual warfare. Many engaged in Church Planting Movements have suffered illness, derision and shame. Students of CPMs suggest that the affliction may be related to a higher spiritual price required for rolling back the darkness (Rev.12:12).

10 Spiritual Fact #2 If you have a weakness, it will be exposed.

11 Spiritual Fact #3 Battles are won or lost by your intercessors. –Fritz Dale quote –Carl Wilson

12 Spiritual Fact #4 Prayer isn’t preparation for the battle, it is the battle. –E.M. Bounds

13 Spiritual Fact #5 If you are a high “D”, type “A”, highly skilled church planting leader, you don’t believe any of these facts.

14  Exodus Exercise The Final (and first) Solution Exercise –Read Mark 9:14-29 –Questions: o What is Jesus teaching us about prayer and ministry? o What is one thing from this passage that you will not forget in your church plant?

15  Prayer Team Getting Started: o Begin by praying and asking God for His work in you and help in launching this. o Determine what commitments you can manage and sustain i.e. once a month contact, weekly, etc. o Create your content such as Scripture, quotes on prayer, answers to prayer, prayer requests. o Consider giving your prayer team a name.

16  Prayer Team Recruitment: o Start with a general broadcast invitation to people, friends, family members, mentors, former and current people in the church(s). o Don’t stop recruiting. As you think of people or come in contact with them, invite them to join, but only if they feel God’s Spirit leading them. Graciously allow them to say no. o Ask God for and look for divine appointments with new people to recruit.

17  Prayer Team Guidelines for Effectiveness and Excellence: o Remember this is God’s effort and His people, not yours. Stay dependent and humble. o Honor confidentiality and be wise and appropriate in what you share. o Consistency, consistency, consistency! Don’t get careless and miss a month, week, etc. Follow through! o Be as specific as possible in your requests. Try to keep things simple; don’t overwhelm with too many items.

18  Prayer Team o Shower your team with gratitude often. o Don’t forget to thank God for them and pray for them often. o Start simple and let God grow your team, your format and content, and your commitment to a prayer team. o Consider raising up an inner, 24/7 prayer team.

19  Prayer Team Prayer Team – 100 o 1. o 2. o 3. o 4. o 5. o 6…….. o 100.

20 Prayer Ministries

21  Brainstorm Prayer Ministries What are some ways leaders have used prayer to launch and develop their church plants?

22  Brainstorming Prayer Ministries Brainstorming ideas leaders have used prayer-to launch and develop their church plants: o 1. o 2. o 3. o 4. o 5. o 6.

23  Prayer Ministries How will you use prayer to launch and build your church plant? Prioritize top 3 ideas from brainstorming

24  Prayer Ministries What prayer ministries will you establish in your new church plant?

25  Coaching Article Engaging The Unseen Foe by Jerry Bridges

26  Key Books The Prayer Saturated Church by Cheryl Sacks Prayer by Philip Yancey A Call to spiritual Reformation by D. A. Carson

27 The End

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