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“I sit on the floor, sweat stinging my eyes. Both hands are in terrible pain. I knew to expect my Legacies, but I had no idea it would include this”(38).

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Presentation on theme: "“I sit on the floor, sweat stinging my eyes. Both hands are in terrible pain. I knew to expect my Legacies, but I had no idea it would include this”(38)."— Presentation transcript:


2 “I sit on the floor, sweat stinging my eyes. Both hands are in terrible pain. I knew to expect my Legacies, but I had no idea it would include this”(38). This is without a doubt one of the most important part of the book. It is when John starts to develop his first legacy, in other words like his first super power that begins to develop. It is a part in the book when everyone begins to question who this new guy in school, John, really is. From this point on everyone is somewhat cautious when they see John and sort of give him this curious look, which plays into a lot of events that take place throughout the rest of the book.

3 “I am tackled. The wind is knocked out of me when I’m plowed to the ground. I rush up to try to catch my breath”(149). This is the first real actual fight that John has gotten into in the book. He is at a scary forest, a scare fest for Halloween, when is ambushed by eight guys from the football team. During this time John has to fend off the eight guys plus save the “damsel in distress”, A.K.A Sarah. It is at this point when the guys on the football team, also the most popular guys, realize that John is no one to mess with, considering he his much faster plus stronger than they are. From this point on they don’t mess with him as much and start to respect him, which helps him out in a great deal later in the book.

4 “I begin coughing. I cover my mouth with my arm but it does little to help. Smoke and fire are burning my lungs. I drop to a knee, coughing”(313). John is in a burning house trying to save Sarah who is currently trapped within this burning house. After he saves Sarah for the second time in the novel, he tells her what he really is and why he is here on Earth. After telling her all the information he knows, John is very cautious about being seen with her outside of school and even in school. It makes the bond between the two even stronger than what it already was. Which makes John want to stay with her even when the situation is life threatening and they need to leave.

5 “I look into his eyes and a pain tears through me so that I’m stuck where I am, unable to move. Darkness falls. Sadness”(357). The eyes of the Mogadorians have always been a dreaded thing to John and his people. This is the first time that John has actually seen a Mogadorian’s eyes, and unfortunately there isn't a single thing that he can do about it. This teaches him to never ever stare directly at a Mogadorian, and that this is how they kill you, by getting you into an unbreakable trance. He learns that it is much easier to take down a Mogadorian if you don’t stare straight into his eyes, which helps him a great deal in the future.

6 “His growls are so fierce that his whole body shakes, tremors coursing through him. And then something begins to happen. Bernie Kosar begins to grow”(405). Bernie Kosar is the name that John gave this stray dog that followed him around everywhere when he first arrived in Ohio. It turns out Bernie is a transforming animal that they brought with them when they had to flee their planet, Lorien. Without Bernie being there right at Johns side to save home from this beast that was about to rip him to shreds, there really wouldn’t be much of John left. The simple fact that he did save him impacts everyone in the whole entire novel. Because of Bernie they’re able to walk away and continue living life.


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