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1 Graduate Student Association Northwestern University Winter Quarterly Meeting January 28 th, 2014

2 Introduction Graduate Student Association We organize social and service events to promote relationships between grad students, the university and the community. We advocate for graduate students through the Graduate Leadership Council. Officers, 2013-2014 President – Stephanie Brehm Treasurer – Zafir Zaman Secretary – Nancy Auyeng Communications Officer – Xi Chen Advocacy Chairs – Pritha Ghosh and Deniz Alpay Service Chairs – Janet Bourne and Roman Kazantsev Social Chairs – Jeremy Needle and Jia Wu

3 Winter Social Events IM Sports (Coed White) –Floor hockey Patten gym Tues 5:30/6:30pm –Basketball Blomquist gym Thu 5 pm

4 Winter Social Events Upcoming Events! Camping trips Winter Happy Hour Game Nights Movie Nights

5 Announcements TGS Night Out Tuesday, February 18, from 7-9 p.m., Bat 17 (1709 Benson Avenue ) Admission, refreshments, and two drink tickets are free to currently enrolled TGS students. No registration is required. Bring valid WildCARD to attend the event. Bat 17 has three pool tables, an air hockey game, a photo booth, and a jukebox.

6 GSA Treasurer Treasurer Responsibilities: Preparing the annual budget request and submitting it to TGS Maintaining the budget and making adjustments as necessary Completing reimbursements in a timely manner Planning financial seminars

7 Communications Officer Checks and Responds to GSA E-mail every day. Writes the bi-weekly newsletter detailing different events and notifications for graduate students and sends it out to the graduate student population. Sends announcement on the day of GSA event. --Email --Twitter Updates Plan-it Purple Calendar with GSA Events. Manage people on the listserv--subscribe or unsubscribe the newsletter. Updates the website with the most recent information.

8 Communications Officer Upcoming events Subscribe/Unsubscribe to GSA listserv Links to follow us on Facebook/Twitter

9 Communications Officer The newsletter is sent every other Monday. The deadline for entries is the Friday before the newsletter. can add flier

10 GSA Advocacy Chairs Graduate Leadership Council Advocacy

11 GSA Winter Service Events Feb 5th: 5PM-8PM Early March Exact date: TBD CPS Science Fair Judging March 21 st 5K / 10K at the lake fill May 10 th race date Registration date: TBD

12 Announcements National Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week April 6-12 Have ideas about how you want to be appreciated by your department, TGS, or other faculty/staff on campus? Contact with any exciting ideas!

13 Announcements Please join The Graduate School and the Society of Presidential Fellows for inaugural poet Richard Blanco’s keynote lecture “Poetry for the People,” which will take place at 4:00PM, 107 Harris Hall, on Tuesday, February 25.

14 Announcements How do I make this matter? Routes to civic engagement in research Wed. Feb 12, 12:30-1:30 in Annenberg G-02 Are you having trouble figuring out how to give your research project a civic engagement angle? Come to this lunchtime brainstorming session and let’s find ways to help each other! We will invite people to talk about their research for a few minutes, and then we, as a group, will try to think of ways to make it civically-engaged. This is an especially useful session for new members, or people who would like to learn more about how to get involved in civic engagement projects. As always, lunch will be provided. Please RSVP so we know how much food to order. Learn more about upcoming CEG events at our website:, or find us on on Facebook:

15 Announcements Getting Out of the Classroom: Teaching Through Civic Engagement and Service Learning Thurs Feb 27th, 11-1pm, Searle Center for Advancing Learning & Teaching As students begin to consider applying their education through emerging opportunities beyond the university, practical application of this knowledge has become even more necessary in the competitive employment climate of today. This workshop focuses on service learning - a method of teaching that combines classroom instruction with meaningful community service. This form of learning emphasizes critical thinking and personal reflection while encouraging a heightened sense of community, civic engagement, and personal responsibility. This workshop offers an overview of the community service and civic engagement discourse, and will facilitate activities that aim to help participants incorporate such models of learning into future classes and syllabi.


17 Contact Information Interested in getting involved in GSA? Want to know more?

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