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Chapter 5, Section 4 The United States and Latin America

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1 Chapter 5, Section 4 The United States and Latin America

2 Roosevelt’s “Big Stick” was his military
Roosevelt’s “Big Stick” was his military. Have a strong one and use it when necessary.

3 Speak softly, but carry a big stick
Teddy Roosevelt named his “Big Stick” Diplomacy after one of his favorite African sayings… Speak softly, but carry a big stick


5 Teddy Roosevelt wanted to build a canal so his Navy could go from the Pacific to the Atlantic ocean more easily. He started a revolution in Columbia and created a new country called Panama where he could construct this canal

6 How many miles did the canal save?

7 Issues while building the canal…MALARIA

8 Malaria was a major problem while constructing the Panama Canal
Malaria was a major problem while constructing the Panama Canal. Listed below are five methods of malaria control: 1. drainage 2. oiling 3. mowing 4. screening 5. quinine

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