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Veteran Family Pilot Employment Brief ‟To find joy in work is to discover the fountain of youth.” - Pearl S. Buck.

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Presentation on theme: "Veteran Family Pilot Employment Brief ‟To find joy in work is to discover the fountain of youth.” - Pearl S. Buck."— Presentation transcript:

1 Veteran Family Pilot Employment Brief ‟To find joy in work is to discover the fountain of youth.” - Pearl S. Buck

2 Objective Ensure military family members have the awareness, education and opportunities required to seek and maintain meaningful employment and or income. Approach Flexible and adaptable Sustainable – include a sliding scale of opportunities Leverage partnerships and existing resources vs. building new programs 3 Pillar Focus Community capacity Knowledge and skills Communications Employment Plan Objective and Approach

3 3 Employment and the Military Family Today 72.9% Employed Underemployed, seasonal employment and part-time employment CAF Spousal Employment Status Reported CAF Spousal Education 62.14% have a postsecondary diploma or degree. Top 5 Industries Professional Clerical/Admin Retail Management Self-Employment 72.9% “…spousal employment remains a glaring hurdle for many modern Canadian military families – one significantly impacting the quality and stability of their family lives.” CF Ombudsman Report 2013 * * unemployed and not looking for work (homemaker, retired, given up job search, studying)

4 4 Under-employed and overlooked by employers due to their unique work history which can often be characterized with short, inconsistent jobs; Unable to retain seniority due to recurring relocations; Limited in finding any employment when posted to small towns in remote areas; Drawn to self-employment and work from home opportunities in attempt to maintain a flexible work schedule to accommodate family responsibilities. Military Spouse Employment Challenges “…spousal employment remains a glaring hurdle for many modern Canadian military families – one significantly impacting the quality and stability of their family lives.” CF Ombudsman Report 2013

5 Sliding Scale of Opportunities Community Capacity Knowledge & Skills Communications Employer Network Awareness Material Mobile Careers Entrepreneurship Training Web Training Publications (Print & Online) MFRC Network Development Community Influencers HERCS

6 6 Sliding Scale of Opportunities Community Engagement METSpouse Military Employment Transition Program for Spouses Partnership with Canada Company 12 month Pilot: Halifax, Valcartier, Montréal, National Capital Region, Toronto, Winnipeg & Shilo Approximately 25 employers and 200 participants Employers committed to exploring mobile employment

7 Military to Civilian Employment: A Career Practitioner’s Guide Partnership with the Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counseling 150 Page Guide to help career practioners understand the – Career development needs of ex-military personnel – Determining civilian equivalencies to military training – Employment and implications for military families Available for free January 2016 7 Sliding Scale of Opportunities Community Engagement

8 HERCS – Helping Entrepreneurs Reach Complete Success Partnership with Trenton MFRC (Loyalist College ENACTUS Group) Online entrepreneurship training -- Content covers: – Small business ownership; marketing, social media, financing & resources 4 Upcoming Sessions: – Oct 29, Nov 3 & Nov 5 (ENG) – Jan 7,12 & 14 (ENG) – Mar 3, 8, & 10 (ENG) – Date TBD (FR) 8 Sliding Scale of Opportunities Knowledge and Skills Open to military and veteran family members Registration & Information Contact: Elizabeth Nicholas / 613-392-2811 ext. 3852

9 Entrepreneurship Training MFS RFP process: four two-day training sessions at four MFRCs (East, Quebec, Central, West) – To occur February & March 2016 – More details to come Princes Operation Entrepreneur One day training- Military Spouses & releasing members Mobile Employment Online Training In partnership with Accenture Canada – November-February 2015-16 Topics- Mobile Employment & Online Networking Examples of previous Accenture training sessions can be found on:  Employment Assistance  Portable Careers 9 Sliding Scale of Opportunities Knowledge and Skills

10 MFRC Employment Network Meeting via teleconference quarterly – send out periodic updates and resources Encouraging collaboration between centres Publications Education material for employers regarding the military family and employment – Military Spouse 101 PPT – Strategies for Hiring and Retaining CAF Spouses 10 Sliding Scale of Opportunities Communications

11 11 Employment Initiatives for Veterans & Families MFS National Employment initiatives will have a mobility focus All initiatives are open to military and veteran families Princes Operation Entrepreneur One day trainings: Military spouses, members and veterans – Fall Dates: Valcartier (FR) Oct 20; Gagetown (EN) Nov 3; Halifax Nov 4 (EN); Ottawa (EN) Nov 4 – Winter 2016: Victoria, Shilo, Edmonton, Trenton & Halifax 7 day Bootcamps: Soon to be releasing members and veterans – 5 camps, registration open in October Register Online at Contact for more

12 12 Employment Initiatives for Veterans & Families Military Employment Transition Program Canada Company program Over 100 Military Friendly Employers Self directed website for veterans and soon to be releasing members – Links to employer sites – Bi-weekly Hot Jobs Lists – Training & Education Programs More information contact Kevin Cameron

13 13 Questions Katie Ochin Program Manager, Employment and Entrepreneurship Military Family Services (613) 947-9214

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