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GDP by income approach in Mongolia National Statistical Office, Mongolia.

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1 GDP by income approach in Mongolia National Statistical Office, Mongolia

2 Contents  Gross Domestic Product  Scope and Coverage  Data source

3 What is the GDP? 1. GDP (production) is the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country during a given time period. 2. GDP (income) is sum of compensation of employees, consumption of fixed capital, net taxes on product and net operating surplus or mixed income. 3. GDP (expenditure) approach is the value of final consumption expenditure, gross capital formation and net exports of goods and services. Gross Domestic Products

4 GDP approaches Statistical changes GDP, expenditure approach Total Output GDP (value added + net tax) Intermediate Consumption Capital consumption Net tax Profit Wage ConsumptionCapital consumptionNet Export GDP, income approach GDP, production approach Gross Domestic Products

5  Production approach:  GDP, by sectors, yearly, current and constant 2005 prices  GDP, by sectors, quarterly, constant 2005 price  GDP, by aimags and sectors, current price  GDP, by type of owner and sectors, current price  Expenditure approach: GDP, yearly, current price  Income approach: GDP, yearly, current price  WB Atlas approach, GDP per capita, US dollar Gross Domestic Products

6  Classifications International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) Classification of Individual Consumption of Purpose (COICOP) Classification of Function of Government (COFOG) Harmonized systems (HS)  Business Register Classifications and frame Gross Domestic Products

7  Methods of data collection: Census (Livestock) Fully Covered Survey for large and medium sized enterprises (Industry, construction, transportation and communication etc) Sample survey (industry, whole and retail trade and restaurant etc)  Data sources: Annual balance sheet of enterprises Result of sample survey Administrative statistical information Gross Domestic Products

8 GDP estimationYearQuarter Production approach: GDP, current and constant 2005 prices 1990-20102000-2010 Expenditure approach: GDP, current price 1995-2010- Income approach: GDP, current price 1990-2010- Aimag GDP, current price 2000-2010- GDP per capita (WB approach)1991-2010- Gross Domestic Products

9 GDP by income approach -Wages and salary- Data source 1. General government expenditure 2. General Department Social Insurance 3. Gross agricultural production estimation Consumption of fixed capital –Data source 1. General government budget data 2. General department of taxation 3. Annual balance sheet of enterprises

10 GDP by income approach Net tax-Data source – General government budget data Profit – General department of taxation – Gross production estimation – Administrative statistical information

11 GDP by expenditure approach Final consumption – Household final consumption expenditure – General government final consumption expenditure – NPISHs final consumption expenditure Gross capital formation Net export

12 Household final consumption expenditure  Coverage  Food and nonfood items purchased  Consumed from private farm or enterprise  Received from others free of charge  Imputed rent of own dwelling  Social insurance paid

13 Household final consumption expenditure Data source  Household Socio-Economic Survey

14 Thank you for your attention Web page : E-Mail :

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