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Arrive at the Academy at the normal school hours. Come to the Gym with all equipment. We will be leaving at 9:05am. Bring a packed lunch for the Reghed.

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Presentation on theme: "Arrive at the Academy at the normal school hours. Come to the Gym with all equipment. We will be leaving at 9:05am. Bring a packed lunch for the Reghed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arrive at the Academy at the normal school hours. Come to the Gym with all equipment. We will be leaving at 9:05am. Bring a packed lunch for the Reghed Activity Centre. Arrive at Lockerbie 2pm. 9 activities in total over the two days including Fencing, Climbing, Obstacle Course, Mountain Biking and more. Leave Lockerbie after lunch on the final day (Wed/Fri) Arrive back at school at 3pm. All meals and drinks are provided however pupils will be able to purchase sweets/drinks from the ‘tuck shop’. Mobile Phones will be kept in the safe for the duration of the time at the Manor.

2 Sleeping bag and pillow slip. Any medication needed. Personal toiletries and a towel. Sleepwear. Waterproof Jacket and Trousers. Trainers or walking boots that will get wet and muddy! Three pairs (at least) of thick socks. Warm jumpers/fleeces/sweatshirts. Comfortable trousers/leggings/jogging bottoms (jeans are not suitable for activities) Hat and gloves. Indoor shoes/trainers and casual clothing for the evenings inside the manor. Emergency Contact Numbers; Lockerbie Manor: 01584 861333 Mr Fagan: 07504893469 Mr Smith: 07504797438

3 Mon - Wed Lockerbie 2015 Wed - Fri 7E/VHAMiss V Hall7E/GTMr G Thomson 7L/RPHMiss R Phillips7T/MJAMr M Armishaw 7O/RBRMrs R Brierley7O/SJMr S Jenkinson 7R/KPMiss K Powell7R/RNEMiss R Nelson 7L/JCKMs J Kellow7T/LNMrs L Nicolson

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