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WP2: Beam dynamics and optics Workflow between Work Packages 1 O. Brüning – BE-ABP WP2 HL-LHC meeting 17. November 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "WP2: Beam dynamics and optics Workflow between Work Packages 1 O. Brüning – BE-ABP WP2 HL-LHC meeting 17. November 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 WP2: Beam dynamics and optics Workflow between Work Packages 1 O. Brüning – BE-ABP WP2 HL-LHC meeting 17. November 2011

2 1 st General HL-LHC Meeting: WP2 2 WP2 Tasks within the EU funded HiLumi Design Study:  Task 2.1: Coordination and Comm  A. Wolski & O. Brüning  Task 2.2: Optics and Layout  Bernhard Holzer  Task 2.3: Particle Simulations  Massimo Giovannozzi  Task 2.4: Collective Effects  Elias Metral  Task 2.5: Beam-Beam Effects  Werner Herr  Task 2.6: Beam Parameter  A. Wolski & O. Brüning O. Brüning – BE-ABP WP2 HL-LHC meeting 17. November 2011 Additional WP2 Tasks outside the EU funded HiLumi Study:  Task 2.7: Intensity limitation from existing LHC hardware  Ralph Assmmann

3 1 st General HL-LHC Meeting: WP2 3 WP2 General Tasks:  Design IR layouts.  Provide specifications for hardware teams:  triplet, D1 & insertion magnets; vacuum; CRAB cavities etc.  Develop optics for full machine with modified IR layout; collimators in Dispersion Suppressor; CRAB cavities.  Study potential performance limitations for the HL-LHC.  Identify beam parameter sets for reaching HL-LHC goals:  L peak-operation = 5 10 34 cm -2 s -1  L peak-virtual > 10 10 34 cm -2 s -1  L int = 200 fb -1 to 300 fb -1 per year O. Brüning – BE-ABP WP2 HL-LHC meeting 17. November 2011

4 1 st General HL-LHC Meeting: WP2 4 Summary of WP2 Deliverables:  Most deliverables are only due towards end of design study  But most deliverables are required early as input for other WP!  Detailed sub-tasks not ‘cast in stone’ but will evolve over time (with lessons learned from studies and LHC operation) O. Brüning – BE-ABP WP2 HL-LHC meeting 17. November 2011 Deliverables D2.1Optics and lattice Files [month 18] D2.2Magnet Field Specifications [month 36] D2.3Corrector magnet specifications [month 36] D2.4Collective effects Beam intensity limitations [month 36] D2.5Beam-Beam effect related intensity limitations [month 36] D2.6Specification of the machine and beam parameters [month 48]

5 1 st General HL-LHC Meeting: WP2 5 Interaction with other work packages: early deliverables!  WP1: Project management  Overall beam parameters, operation scenarios and performance reach  WP3: Magnet design Spring 2012!  Talk by Ezio Todesco  IR layout, optics and crossing angle for heat deposition studies  iteration on magnet length and aperture  FQ, aperture specifications and corrector specification  WP4: Crab Cavities  specifications, IR design; Beam parameters and performance etc.  WP5: IR collimation O. Brüning – BE-ABP WP2 HL-LHC meeting 17. November 2011

6 1 st General HL-LHC Meeting: WP2 6 Interaction with other work packages: outside Hi-Lumi  WP7: Machine protection  WP8: Machine-Experiment Interface  WP10: Energy deposition and shielding  all require feedback on the same timescale as WP3  WP11: 11 T dipole two-in-one  cryo collimator studies  LIU Project  define reasonable goals at the start of the LIU project O. Brüning – BE-ABP WP2 HL-LHC meeting 17. November 2011

7 1 st General HL-LHC Meeting: WP2 Task 2.2 7 WP2 Task 2.2: Optics and Layout; led by Bernhard Holzer  4 Baseline layout options: fast feedback with other WP by Spring 2012 O. Brüning – BE-ABP WP2 HL-LHC meeting 17. November 2011  Fine tuning with fixed layout during 2012 with goal of tracking input by end of 2012

8 1 st General HL-LHC Meeting: WP2 Task 2.2 8 Alternative Options analyzed in parallel:  e.g. local chromaticity correction O. Brüning – BE-ABP WP2 HL-LHC meeting 17. November 2011 Baseline Optic option:  ATS as baseline option for  * < 0.3m  Stephane Fartoukh  ATS currently being studied in MD studies  Identification of actual limitations for Chromatic aberrations

9 Preparation of simulation tools Preparation of simulation tools Define and improve tools (e.g., MAD-X, SixTrack, PTC, mask files) Define and improve tools (e.g., MAD-X, SixTrack, PTC, mask files) Define procedures (e.g. Dynamic aperture protocol) Define procedures (e.g. Dynamic aperture protocol) Find and maximize resources (e.g., tracking – LHC@home) Find and maximize resources (e.g., tracking – LHC@home) Monte Carlo tracking studies Monte Carlo tracking studies Define field quality of new magnets and characteristics of corrector packages. Define field quality of new magnets and characteristics of corrector packages. Tracking with Crab Cavities (error and noise specifications) Tracking with Crab Cavities (error and noise specifications) Specification of required correction circuits Specification of required correction circuits Specify the required correction systems for the new insertions. Specify the required correction systems for the new insertions. Study optimum working points Study optimum working points Evaluation of dangerous resonances. Evaluation of dangerous resonances. Tune scans. Tune scans. 1 st General HL-LHC Meeting: WP2 Task 2.3 Task 2.3: Simulation and Tools; led by Massimo Giovannozzi 9 O. Brüning – BE-ABP WP2 HL-LHC meeting 17. November 2011

10 Impedance and wake field calculations Impedance and wake field calculations Impedance calculations for new components Impedance calculations for new components estimates of resulting intensity thresholds estimates of resulting intensity thresholds Estimates for the required corrector circuit settings Estimates for the required corrector circuit settings Chromaticity; Landau damping octupoles and additional heat loads. Chromaticity; Landau damping octupoles and additional heat loads. Estimates for IBS growth rates Estimates for IBS growth rates optimum bunch profiling in the presence of synchrotron radiation damping. optimum bunch profiling in the presence of synchrotron radiation damping. beam/lattice manipulations to increase the LHC beam/lattice manipulations to increase the LHC performance performance flattening of the longitudinal distribution etc. flattening of the longitudinal distribution etc. 1 st General HL-LHC Meeting: WP2 Task 2.4 Task 2.4: Collective Effects; led by Elias Metral 10 O. Brüning – BE-ABP WP2 HL-LHC meeting 17. November 2011

11 1 st General HL-LHC Meeting: WP2 Task 2.5 Task 2.5: Beam-Beam Effects; led by Werner Herr 11 O. Brüning – BE-ABP WP2 HL-LHC meeting 17. November 2011 Effect of crab crossing on beam-beam dynamics Effect of crab crossing on beam-beam dynamics Revise parameters for performance optimization Revise parameters for performance optimization Required crossing angle & Luminosity reach at 7 TeV (after LS1). Required crossing angle & Luminosity reach at 7 TeV (after LS1). Study and propose options for luminosity leveling Study and propose options for luminosity leveling With impact on beam-beam effects. With impact on beam-beam effects. Self-consistent beam-beam calculations for the above Self-consistent beam-beam calculations for the above Emittance, orbit, coherent effects, etc... Emittance, orbit, coherent effects, etc... Follow up wire installation and commissioning Follow up wire installation and commissioning Prototype installation (for LS1 and following Xmas technical stop) Prototype installation (for LS1 and following Xmas technical stop) MD studies with test wire. MD studies with test wire. Installation of final design. Installation of final design.

12 1 st General HL-LHC Meeting: WP2 Tasks 12 WP2 Tasks 2.1: Coordination  A. Wolski & O. Brüning  Organizing web-pages; meetings; documentation and communication between different tasks O. Brüning – BE-ABP WP2 HL-LHC meeting 17. November 2011 WP2 Tasks 2.7: Hardware Intensity Limitations  R. Assmann  Identify intensity limitations from existing LHC hardware and list potential bottle necks WP2 Tasks 2.6: Beam Parameter Specification  Wolski & Brüning  Maintaining a coherent set of parameters with input from all tasks and WPs (in close collaboration with WP1)

13 1 st General HL-LHC Meeting: WP2 13 Modus Operandi:  communication between collaborators  News Letters & email lists & Wiki pages (see presentation by Kate Kahle) ;  Meetings organized within each task: EVO ca. twice per month for each task with one regular slot per week  Long Term Visitors  Meetings organized across tasks: in person twice per year  1 st discussions last week. Details will follow by December  Communication between work packages  News Letters & email lists & Wiki pages;  Reports & publications  General HL-LHC meeting (at least once per year)  We can update task activities but have to stick to the above deliverables O. Brüning – BE-ABP WP2 HL-LHC meeting 17. November 2011

14 1 st General HL-LHC Meeting: WP2 14 Summary of HL-LHC WP2 Resources:  We need to identify a corresponding resource loaded plan  We can assign more, but not less resources for each partner O. Brüning – BE-ABP WP2 HL-LHC meeting 17. November 2011 PartnerCERNCEADESYINFNBINPCSISEPFL Person Month 101241267.2652448 PartnerSTFCUNILIVUNIMANKEKBNLFNALLBNLSLAC Person Month 2834.8 19.214.456.644814.4



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