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Defining a P-T-loop Temperature [C] Pressure [Bar]

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Presentation on theme: "Defining a P-T-loop Temperature [C] Pressure [Bar]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Defining a P-T-loop Temperature [C] Pressure [Bar]

2 Defining a P-T-loop 600 4000 0 SI(50.36)AL(30.54)FE(6.23)MG(2.46)CA(1.07)NA(4.62)K(4.73)O(160.965) H(60)O(30) * TN205 fin Use bulk composition for TN205 In THERIN:

3 Defining a P-T-loop

4 520/4500 620/17000

5 TP 520 4500 TP 620 17000 100 Defining a P-T-loop Write a text-file, e.g. “looptest” Run theriak ------------------- database definition ------------------- Enter [ "?" | CR | "files" | database filename ] ? --------------------------- define type of calculations --------------------------- Enter [ "?" | CR | "no" | "bin" | "loop" | filename ] ? looptest

6 Defining a P-T-loop Output is “loop_table” loop,Temperature,Pressure,G_system 1.0000000E+00, 5.2000000E+02, 4.5000000E+03,-9.3514922E+07,-9.3514922E+07, 1.2403876E+04, 2.4006830E+02, 1.909650 2.0000000E+00, 5.2100000E+02, 4.6250000E+03,-9.3497335E+07,-9.3497335E+07, 1.2409763E+04, 2.3980093E+02, 1.909650 3.0000000E+00, 5.2200000E+02, 4.7500000E+03,-9.3479787E+07,-9.3479787E+07, 1.2415575E+04, 2.3954090E+02, 1.909650 4.0000000E+00, 5.2300000E+02, 4.8750000E+03,-9.3462277E+07,-9.3462277E+07, 1.2421613E+04, 2.3928795E+02, 1.909650 5.0000000E+00, 5.2400000E+02, 5.0000000E+03,-9.3444804E+07,-9.3444804E+07, 1.2427720E+04, 2.3904151E+02, 1.909650 6.0000000E+00, 5.2500000E+02, 5.1250000E+03,-9.3427367E+07,-9.3427367E+07, 1.2433890E+04, 2.3880118E+02, 1.909650 7.0000000E+00, 5.2600000E+02, 5.2500000E+03,-9.3409967E+07,-9.3409967E+07, 1.2439976E+04, 2.3856647E+02, 1.909650 8.0000000E+00, 5.2700000E+02, 5.3750000E+03,-9.3392601E+07,-9.3392601E+07, 1.2446266E+04, 2.3833726E+02, 1.909650 9.0000000E+00, 5.2800000E+02, 5.5000000E+03,-9.3375282E+07,-9.3375282E+07, 1.2463633E+04, 2.3793475E+02, 1.909650 1.0000000E+01, 5.2900000E+02, 5.6250000E+03,-9.3358061E+07,-9.3358061E+07, 1.2486437E+04, 2.3716651E+02, 1.909650 1.1000000E+01, 5.3000000E+02, 5.7500000E+03,-9.3340954E+07,-9.3340954E+07, 1.2503177E+04, 2.3654637E+02, 1.909650 1.2000000E+01, 5.3100000E+02, 5.8750000E+03,-9.3323915E+07,-9.3323915E+07, 1.2514202E+04, 2.3618715E+02, 1.909650 1.3000000E+01, 5.3200000E+02, 6.0000000E+03,-9.3306932E+07,-9.3306932E+07, 1.2524617E+04, 2.3583155E+02, 1.909650 1.4000000E+01, 5.3300000E+02, 6.1250000E+03,-9.3290004E+07,-9.3290004E+07, 1.2534650E+04, 2.3547996E+02, 1.909650 1.5000000E+01, 5.3400000E+02, 6.2500000E+03,-9.3273128E+07,-9.3273128E+07, 1.2544263E+04, 2.3513281E+02, 1.909650 1.6000000E+01, 5.3500000E+02, 6.3750000E+03,-9.3256306E+07,-9.3256306E+07, 1.2553503E+04, 2.3479046E+02, 1.909650 1.7000000E+01, 5.3600000E+02, 6.5000000E+03,-9.3239534E+07,-9.3239534E+07, 1.2562418E+04, 2.3445321E+02, 1.909650 1.8000000E+01, 5.3700000E+02, 6.6250000E+03,-9.3222814E+07,-9.3222814E+07, 1.2571050E+04, 2.3412128E+02, 1.909650 1.9000000E+01, 5.3800000E+02, 6.7500000E+03,-9.3206143E+07,-9.3206143E+07, 1.2579440E+04, 2.3379485E+02, 1.909650 2.0000000E+01, 5.3900000E+02, 6.8750000E+03,-9.3189520E+07,-9.3189520E+07, 1.2587626E+04, 2.3347400E+02, 1.909650 2.1000000E+01, 5.4000000E+02, 7.0000000E+03,-9.3172946E+07,-9.3172946E+07, 1.2595640E+04, 2.3315877E+02, 1.909650 2.2000000E+01, 5.4100000E+02, 7.1250000E+03,-9.3156419E+07,-9.3156419E+07, 1.2603514E+04, 2.3284916E+02, 1.909650 2.3000000E+01, 5.4200000E+02, 7.2500000E+03,-9.3139938E+07,-9.3139938E+07, 1.2611274E+04, 2.3254511E+02, 1.909650 2.4000000E+01, 5.4300000E+02, 7.3750000E+03,-9.3123502E+07,-9.3123502E+07, 1.2618945E+04, 2.3224652E+02, 1.909650 2.5000000E+01, 5.4400000E+02, 7.5000000E+03,-9.3107111E+07,-9.3107111E+07, 1.2626547E+04, 2.3195326E+02, 1.909650 2.6000000E+01, 5.4500000E+02, 7.6250000E+03,-9.3090764E+07,-9.3090764E+07, 1.2634100E+04, 2.3166517E+02, 1.909650 2.7000000E+01, 5.4600000E+02, 7.7500000E+03,-9.3074460E+07,-9.3074460E+07, 1.2641618E+04, 2.3138210E+02, 1.909650 2.8000000E+01, 5.4700000E+02, 7.8750000E+03,-9.3058199E+07,-9.3058199E+07, 1.2649116E+04, 2.3110386E+02, 1.909650 2.9000000E+01, 5.4800000E+02, 8.0000000E+03,-9.3041983E+07,-9.3041983E+07, 1.2658434E+04, 2.3065941E+02, 1.909650 3.0000000E+01, 5.4900000E+02, 8.1250000E+03,-9.3025872E+07,-9.3025872E+07, 1.2670259E+04, 2.2973611E+02, 1.909650 3.1000000E+01, 5.5000000E+02, 8.2500000E+03,-9.3009845E+07,-9.3009845E+07, 1.2679251E+04, 2.2952111E+02, 1.909650 3.2000000E+01, 5.5100000E+02, 8.3750000E+03,-9.2993850E+07,-9.2993850E+07, 1.2688243E+04, 2.2933799E+02, 1.909650 3.3000000E+01, 5.5200000E+02, 8.5000000E+03,-9.2977887E+07,-9.2977887E+07, 1.2697268E+04, 2.2915643E+02, 1.909650 3.4000000E+01, 5.5300000E+02, 8.6250000E+03,-9.2961956E+07,-9.2961956E+07, 1.2706323E+04, 2.2897636E+02, 1.909650 etc.

7 plotxy Input fileloop_table X-axis3 Y-axis163,181,196 X-min X-max Y-min Y-max0 1 7 guzzler explot File namexyplot Size of labels option File nameclean Defining a P-T-loop 3: Temperature 163: x_Alm_[Alm] 181: x_Gr_[Alm] 196: x_Py_[Alm]

8 Defining a P-T-loop Alm Gr Py

9 plotxy Input fileloop_table X-axis3 Y-axis123,124,125+126+128,127,129,130,131 X-min X-max Y-min Y-max0 7 7 guzzler explot File namexyplot Size of labels option File nameclean Defining a P-T-loop 3: Temperature 123: n_[Ab] 124: n_[Alm] 125: n_[FeAm] 126: n_[FeP] 127: n_[Ms] 128: n_[Pen] 129: n_[Pg] 130: n_[Phl] 131: n_[fctd] 132: n_aQz

10 Defining a P-T-loop Ms Grt Pg Bi Pl Ctd Chl

11 Alm Gr Py Ms Grt Pg Bi Pl Ctd Chl Defining a P-T-loop

12 REMOVE GARNET 100 TP 520 4500 TP 620 17000 100 Add line to “looptest” Run theriak ------------------- database definition ------------------- Enter [ "?" | CR | "files" | database filename ] ? --------------------------- define type of calculations --------------------------- Enter [ "?" | CR | "no" | "bin" | "loop" | filename ] ? looptest Defining a P-T-loop

13 plotxy Input fileloop_table X-axis3 Y-axis194,214,234 X-min X-max Y-min Y-max0 1 7 guzzler explot File namexyplot Size of labels option File nameclean Defining a P-T-loop 3: Temperature 194: x_Alm_[Alm] 214: x_Gr_[Alm] 234: x_Py_[Alm]

14 Alm Gr Py Alm Gr Py Defining a P-T-loop

15 plotxy Input fileloop_table X-axis3 Y-axis129,145,147,148+149+152,150,151,153,154,155,159 X-min X-max Y-min Y-max0 7 7 guzzler explot File namexyplot Size of labels option File nameclean Defining a P-T-loop 3: Temperature 129: n_Ky 145: n_[Ab] 146: n_[Alm] 147: n_[FSt] 148: n_[FeAm] 149: n_[FeP] 150: n_[Ms] 151: n_[Parg] 152: n_[Pen] 153: n_[Pg] 154: n_[Phl] 155: n_[fctd] 156: n_aQz 159: nsum_GARNET

16 Ky St Parg Pl Chl Ms Pg Bi Ctd Grt Defining a P-T-loop

17 Alm Gr Py Alm Gr Py Ky St Parg Pl Chl Ms Pg Bi Ctd Grt Defining a P-T-loop

18 Ms Grt Pg Bi Pl Ctd Chl Ky St Parg Pl Chl Ms Pg Bi Ctd Grt REMOVE GARNET 100 TP 520 4500 TP 620 17000 100 TP 520 4500 TP 620 17000 100 Defining a P-T-loop

19 Alm Gr Py Alm Gr Py Alm Gr Py REMOVE GARNET 100 TP 520 4500 TP 620 17000 100 TP 520 4500 TP 620 17000 100 Defining a P-T-loop


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