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Jeopardy - Byzantine, Russia, East Asia RulersPeople Cultural Groups Government Misc. Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy - Byzantine, Russia, East Asia RulersPeople Cultural Groups Government Misc. Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy - Byzantine, Russia, East Asia RulersPeople Cultural Groups Government Misc. Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100-Rulers The Byzantine Empire reached it’s greatest size under this ruler

4 $100- Rulers Justinian

5 $200- Rulers Extreme absolute rule is associated with what early Russian ruler?

6 $200- Rulers Ivan the Terrible

7 $300- Rulers China experienced Pax ______________ (peace and order) during Mongol Rule

8 $300- Rulers Mongolica

9 $400- Rulers _________ theaters were formed in Japan during the 1600s.

10 $400- Rulers Kabuki

11 $500- Rulers This Russian ruler claimed, “The czar is in nature like all men, but in authority he is like the highest God.” This proclamation helped lay the groundwork for absolute power.

12 $500- Rulers Ivan the Great

13 $100- People ___________ shogunate created an orderly society in Japan by imposing central government control

14 $100- People Tokugawa

15 $200- People ___________ class were at the bottom of Confucian society

16 $200- People merchant

17 $300- People This ruler built the Hagia Sophia

18 $300- People Justinian

19 $400- People During the Ming Dynasty, admiral ___________ promoted trade with Southeast Asia and India

20 $400- People Zheng He

21 $500- People This leader united the nomadic Mongols and then took this title

22 $500- People Genghiz Khan

23 $100-Cultural Groups These people conquered the Byzantine empire by capturing and occupying Constantinople

24 $100- Cultural Groups The Ottoman Turks

25 $200- Cultural Groups The cultural heritage of this group(s) was preserved by the Byzantine Empire

26 $200- Cultural Groups Greece and Rome

27 $300- Cultural Groups Early Russian civilization was strongly influenced by the culture of this group

28 $300- Cultural Groups The Byzantine Empire

29 $400- Cultural Groups This group took refuge in Poland during the late Middle Ages

30 $400- Cultural Groups Jews

31 $500- Cultural Groups _________ clan established the one and only Dynasty in Japan

32 $500- Cultural Groups Yamato

33 $100- Government This best describes the style of leadership that emerged in Russia

34 $100- Government Autocrat or absolute rule

35 $200- Government The real power belong to the __________during the Feudal period in Japan

36 $200- Government Shogun

37 $300- Government ________ had the greatest impact in shaping the societies of China and Korea

38 $300- Government China

39 $400- Government Yi song Gye established the _________ dynasty in Korea

40 $400- Government Choson, Yi

41 $500- Government Wu Zhao became the first empress of _____________

42 $500- Government China

43 $100- Miscellaneous __________ economy was very prosperous under the leadership of Justinian

44 $100- Miscellaneous Byzantine

45 $200- Miscellaneous This city became the capital of Russia under the czars

46 $200- Miscellaneous Moscow

47 $300- Miscellaneous Diverse peoples and culture would best describe this region which included Serbia, Poland, and Hungary

48 $300- Miscellaneous Eastern Europe

49 $400- Miscellaneous Japan engaged in selective borrowing from China by rejecting the _____________ (2 words) exam

50 $400- Miscellaneous Civil Service

51 $500- Miscellaneous Alphabet made up of symbols representing the sounds of Spoken Korean

52 $500- Miscellaneous Hangul

53 Final Jeopardy This “police force” acted as an agent of terror during Ivan the Terrible’s reign, emblazoned on their saddles were a dog’s head and a broom. * Correct Spelling only

54 Final Jeopardy Answer Oprichniki

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