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President Johnson creates “The Great Society”. Death of a President Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in November 1963. Kennedy was assassinated.

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Presentation on theme: "President Johnson creates “The Great Society”. Death of a President Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in November 1963. Kennedy was assassinated."— Presentation transcript:

1 President Johnson creates “The Great Society”

2 Death of a President Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in November 1963. Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in November 1963. The Warren Commission investigated the assassination conspiracies and wrote a report that said Oswald worked alone. The Warren Commission investigated the assassination conspiracies and wrote a report that said Oswald worked alone. There are still people who doubt the validity of the Warren Commission’s report. There are still people who doubt the validity of the Warren Commission’s report. V-P Lyndon Johnson became the president. V-P Lyndon Johnson became the president.

3 Johnson Becomes President A few hours after President Kennedy died, Lyndon B. Johnson took the oath of office on Air Force One. A few hours after President Kennedy died, Lyndon B. Johnson took the oath of office on Air Force One. He had the hard duty of helping the American people deal with the assassination of Kennedy. He had the hard duty of helping the American people deal with the assassination of Kennedy. Johnson chose to use Kennedy’s memory to help America move forward. Johnson chose to use Kennedy’s memory to help America move forward.

4 Johnson’s Governing Style Johnson was from the Texas hill country. Johnson was from the Texas hill country. While Kennedy had been raised in wealth and elegance, Johnson was more “rough around the edges.” While Kennedy had been raised in wealth and elegance, Johnson was more “rough around the edges.” Johnson used persuasion and politics to attain his goals in Washington D.C. (ex: tax cut, civil rights bills, anti-poverty initiatives). Johnson used persuasion and politics to attain his goals in Washington D.C. (ex: tax cut, civil rights bills, anti-poverty initiatives). “Johnson treatment” meant that he would overpower or intimidate people to do what he needed or wanted them to until they reached a consensus (agreement between all parties). “Johnson treatment” meant that he would overpower or intimidate people to do what he needed or wanted them to until they reached a consensus (agreement between all parties).

5 State of the Union The early 60s seemed to carry the big booming economy of the fifties, with new stores, appliances, cars and the increasing popularity of suburbs. The early 60s seemed to carry the big booming economy of the fifties, with new stores, appliances, cars and the increasing popularity of suburbs. However, many Americans (50 million) were still living in poverty in the inner cities, rural areas, Native American reservations. However, many Americans (50 million) were still living in poverty in the inner cities, rural areas, Native American reservations.

6 Johnson’s War on Poverty Why would Johnson want to help people in poverty? Why would Johnson want to help people in poverty? Johnson wanted to carry on Kennedy’s ideas. Johnson wanted to carry on Kennedy’s ideas. Johnson had known poverty briefly, believed that the wealthy, powerful government needs to help its citizens. Johnson had known poverty briefly, believed that the wealthy, powerful government needs to help its citizens. Johnson was also trying to help assure his place in history as a great president. Johnson was also trying to help assure his place in history as a great president.

7 Johnson’s War on Poverty Summer 1964—Economic Opportunity Act Summer 1964—Economic Opportunity Act Created many programs to make jobs Created many programs to make jobs created the Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) which would coordinate the new poverty reducing programs created the Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) which would coordinate the new poverty reducing programs Neighborhood Youth Corps—inner city program to provide work-study opportunities so students could earn a high school diploma or college degree Neighborhood Youth Corps—inner city program to provide work-study opportunities so students could earn a high school diploma or college degree Job Corps—help people find jobs Job Corps—help people find jobs VISTA—domestic Peace Corps VISTA—domestic Peace Corps

8 1964 Election Lyndon B. Johnson vs. Barry Goldwater Lyndon B. Johnson vs. Barry Goldwater During the campaign, Johnson promised to create a “Great Society” During the campaign, Johnson promised to create a “Great Society” Johnson won by a large majority. Johnson won by a large majority.

9 What was President Johnson’s vision of the more perfect and equitable society the United States could and should become called? A. Fair Deal B. New Deal C. New Age D.Great Society

10 The Great Society What is the “Great Society”? What is the “Great Society”? More perfect & equitable society in America More perfect & equitable society in America Wanted to finish FDR’s mission Wanted to finish FDR’s mission Patterned idea on FDR’s New Deal Patterned idea on FDR’s New Deal Why is this a good idea in the 60s? Why is this a good idea in the 60s? Many feelings of making America better—ex. the Civil Rights movement was going on Many feelings of making America better—ex. the Civil Rights movement was going on The economy was strong, so it was a good time to help people out of poverty The economy was strong, so it was a good time to help people out of poverty

11 Johnson’s goals for a better America were supported by _____. A. The hardships caused by the slumping economy B. The prosperity resulting from the strong economy C. The success of unions in organizing workers D. The failure of business to create enough jobs.

12 The Great Society: Health & Welfare Between 1965-1968 over 60 programs were passed Between 1965-1968 over 60 programs were passed Medicare—health insurance program for elderly people; part of Social Security program Medicare—health insurance program for elderly people; part of Social Security program Medicaid—health insurance program for low- income families Medicaid—health insurance program for low- income families Child Nutrition Act—helped school breakfast & lunches to make kids healthy Child Nutrition Act—helped school breakfast & lunches to make kids healthy

13 The Great Society Education The Elementary & Secondary Education Act— provided money for students and adult education initiatives The Elementary & Secondary Education Act— provided money for students and adult education initiatives Higher Education Act—college tuition scholarships, student loans, work-study programs for middle & low income Higher Education Act—college tuition scholarships, student loans, work-study programs for middle & low income Project Head Start—preschool program for low income families Project Head Start—preschool program for low income families Upward Bound—college preparation for low- income teens Upward Bound—college preparation for low- income teens

14 The Great Society Department of Housing & Urban Development— gave federal subsidies to cities to help transportation, health care, housing, police protection, etc. Department of Housing & Urban Development— gave federal subsidies to cities to help transportation, health care, housing, police protection, etc. Also had the first African American cabinet member— Robert Weaver. Also had the first African American cabinet member— Robert Weaver. Immigration Reform Act of 1965: created a strict limit on number of immigrants; took away nation origin restrictions (from 1920s) Immigration Reform Act of 1965: created a strict limit on number of immigrants; took away nation origin restrictions (from 1920s)

15 Program that provided health insurance to the elderly through Social Security. A. Medicaid B. Office of Health Insurance C. Medicare D. Blue Cross/Blue Shield

16 Government sponsored health care for people living below the poverty line. A. Upward Bound B. VISTA C. Medicare D. Medicaid E. Head Start

17 Preschool program for the disadvantaged. A. Upward Bound B. VISTA C. Head Start D. Job Corps

18 What did the Immigration Reform Act of 1965 eliminate that played a key role in changing the composition of the American population? A. all European immigration B.the “national origins” system C.Asian immigration D.Mexican immigration

19 Provided college preparation for low-income teenagers. A. VISTA B. Upward Bound C. Job Corps D. Head Start

20 Who was the first African American to serve in the cabinet as the secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development? A. Rosa Parks B.Marion Barry C.Robert Weaver D.Jesse Jackson

21 At Johnson’s urging, what did Congress set up in 1964 to create jobs and fight poverty? A. Medicare B.Department of Housing and Urban Development C.Office of Economic Opportunity D.Project Head Start

22 Matching A. entitlements B. VISTA C. Barry Goldwater D. Head Start E. consensus 1. project directed at disadvantaged preschool children 2.general agreement 3. put young people with high ideals to work in poor school districts 4. Johnson’s Republican opponent in the 1964 presidential election

23 Impact of the Great Society Helped many people, but was limited. Helped many people, but was limited. Many did not work well, and because they grew quickly the were not able to be managed properly. Many did not work well, and because they grew quickly the were not able to be managed properly. Changes expectations of cities, states and people. Changes expectations of cities, states and people. Government grew enormously. Government grew enormously. Not enough money in the government to completely fund programs. Not enough money in the government to completely fund programs.

24 Questions Created By The Great Society How can the federal government help disadvantaged citizens? How can the federal government help disadvantaged citizens? How much government help can a society have without weakening the private sector? How much government help can a society have without weakening the private sector? How much help can its people receive without losing motivation to fight against hardships on their own? How much help can its people receive without losing motivation to fight against hardships on their own?

25 Agree or Disagree? “The walls of ghettos are not going to topple overnight, nor is it possible to wipe out the heritage of generations of social, economic, and educational deprivation by the stroke of a Presidential pen.” “The walls of ghettos are not going to topple overnight, nor is it possible to wipe out the heritage of generations of social, economic, and educational deprivation by the stroke of a Presidential pen.” If you agree press “Y”, disagree press “N” If you agree press “Y”, disagree press “N”

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