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Examining Early State Constitutions In class we will compare and contrast the following constitutions: Articles of Confederation - 1775 Pennsylvania Constitution.

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Presentation on theme: "Examining Early State Constitutions In class we will compare and contrast the following constitutions: Articles of Confederation - 1775 Pennsylvania Constitution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Examining Early State Constitutions In class we will compare and contrast the following constitutions: Articles of Confederation - 1775 Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776 New York Constitution of 1777 Massachusetts Constitution of 1780

2 Examining Early State Constitutions Explain the Framework of government ITEMS TO LOOK FOR: 1 or 2 house legislature Term of service Single or plural executive, or no exec. Election of Executive Separation of Powers or legislative supremacy Who gets to vote? Checks and Balances - Does the Executive have a veto? Bill of rights (1st or last?), what rights are protected? Any other unique features, e.g. Declarations of Independence

3 Examining Early State Constitutions m m Massachusetts Constitution

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