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FULL TIME EMPLOYMENT Suzieee and Charlotte P. Definition: Employment in which the employee works the full number of hours defined by the employer.

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Presentation on theme: "FULL TIME EMPLOYMENT Suzieee and Charlotte P. Definition: Employment in which the employee works the full number of hours defined by the employer."— Presentation transcript:

1 FULL TIME EMPLOYMENT Suzieee and Charlotte P

2 Definition: Employment in which the employee works the full number of hours defined by the employer.

3 ADVANTAGES Commit to longer hours Available to handle unexpected events Team work Good relationships with customers or suppliers Take advantage of training opportunities

4 DISADVANTAGES The cost of full time employment is high No flexibility

5 CASE STUDY Jennifer works at Cosco plc 35 hours per week, she shares her flat with a roommate Alexa who only has a part time job. Unlike Alexa, Jen is good at her job because she took advantage of the training and has stuck to one, whereas Alexa hasn’t been able to dedicate herself due to not enough training and too many different jobs. Jennifer is always paying a bigger share towards the rent and paying for lunch because she stays longer hours so therefore earns more, due to working longer hours she sometimes cannot make lunch. Alexa is always being ditched because Jennifer has a good relationship with her colleges. Alexa is now looking for a full time job because she sees the advantages are much more than those in part time and her boyfriend John only works part time too and together it is not enough for example John cannot afford a shirt. 

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