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Understanding Domain 1 of Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Domain 1 of Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Domain 1 of Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching

2 Welcome! Please pick up an Element Card. Around the room, you will notice Component Posters. Please stand under the Component with which your Element matches. Component Element Element, etc.

3 How did we do? Uncover the hidden Elements on your poster. Are you in the right place? If so, great; if not, try again! Once you are in the right place, take a seat with this group.

4 Session Outcome Participants will increase their understanding of all components in Domain 1 of Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching.

5 Activity: Putting it into Action! Deepen your understanding of this component by looking at resources provided in the second half of your “Framework for Teacher Evaluation” (pgs. 9-31). Use your Bag o’ Fun, and any additional materials, to create a one-minute skit demonstrating your group’s Component “in action”.

6 Follow up/Sharing What component of Domain 1 did you just observe in action? What happened in the skit that helped you identify the component correctly?

7 Reflecting Exit ticket: Which component is an area of strength for you? Which component is an area for improvement for your professional practice? What resources would help you strengthen your professional practice in that component?

8 Resources CPD course Focus on the Framework Module Planning and Preparation Learning Bundle – d+Preparation d+Preparation

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