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Your Kingdom Come Words and Music by: Jonathan Taube.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Kingdom Come Words and Music by: Jonathan Taube."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Kingdom Come Words and Music by: Jonathan Taube

2 Lord you are Holy; we now proclaim it, Joined with the Heavens, we shout your praise! Through your creation men see your greatness, Clearly You’ve shown them since ancient days.

3 We are your people called to be holy, A royal priesthood, children of God. You came from Heaven; fulfilled the Old Law, Tore back the curtain, poured out your blood.

4 So come now— we long for your glory, As we pray your Kingdom come! So come now— and pour out your Spirit In our hearts your will be done.

5 You share with all men calls for repentance, To find their freedom and wear their crowns. We are your people, joined as one body This is our message: that God is love!

6 So come now— we long for your glory, As we pray your Kingdom come! So come now— and pour out your Spirit In our hearts your will be done.

7 We are your people, so we must pray for your Kingdom, Let it come Lord, Let it come Lord, let it come! We are your people, so we must work for your Kingdom, In our hearts Lord, in our world Lord, let it come!

8 So come now— we long for your glory, As we pray your Kingdom come! So come now— and pour out your Spirit In our hearts your will be done.

9 We are your people, so we must pray for your Kingdom, Let it come Lord, Let it come Lord, let it come! We are your people, so we must work for your Kingdom, In our hearts Lord, in our world Lord, let it come!

10 In our hearts your will be done, In our world your will be done, In our hearts your will be done, In our world your will be done. Your Kingdom Come Words and Music by: Jonathan Taube Used by Permission: CCLI# 1321380

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