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1 Extreme states of nuclear matter DAPNIA review committee 12-14 November 2007 A. Obertelli, DAPNIA review committee, November 13 th 2007.

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1 1 Extreme states of nuclear matter DAPNIA review committee 12-14 November 2007 A. Obertelli, DAPNIA review committee, November 13 th 2007

2 2 LHC Extreme states of nuclear matter Nuclear structure Quark-gluon plasma temperature baryonic density protons neutrons A. Obertelli, DAPNIA review committee, November 13 th 2007

3 3 Nuclear structure Shell evolution towards the driplines Exotic shapes Shell structure of heavy elements Involved in 6 LOI’s of SPIRAL2 (over 19) (co-)spokesperson of 5 LOI’s Primary beams: heavy ions deuterons A. Obertelli, DAPNIA review committee, November 13 th 2007

4 4 Evolution of nuclear structure far from stability Goals  exotic phenomena at the driplines  evolution of shell structure at extreme N/Z values N Z Method direct reactions in inverse kinematics  elastic / inelastic scattering [e.g. (p,p’)]  nucleon-transfer reactions particle & gamma spectroscopy 8 He neutron-skin effects ( 8 He beam) …with SPIRAL beams N=16 shell closure ( 26 Ne beam) F. Skaza, PhD thesis (2004) F. Skaza et al., PLB 619, 82 (2005) F. Skaza et al., PRC 73, 044301 (2006) A. Obertelli, PhD thesis (2005) A. Obertelli et al., PLB 633, 33 (2006) A. Obertelli et al., PRC 74, 064305 (2006) N=28 shell closure ( 46 Ar beam) L. Gaudefroy et al., PRL 97, 092501 (2007) A. Obertelli, DAPNIA review committee, November 13 th 2007

5 5 Evolution of shell structure far from stability Reaching the drip-line for the helium chain F. Skaza et al., Phys. Lett. B 619, 82 (2005) F. Skaza et al., Phys. Rev. C 73, 044301 (2006) 8 He(p,p) 8 He, 8 He(p,d) 7 He, 8 He(p,t) 6 He at 15.4 MeV/nucleon, SPIRAL beam Experimental set-up MUST collaboration: DAPNIA/SPhN, GANIL, CEA-DAM, and IPN-Orsay CATS (beam-tracking): DAPNIA/SPhN, DAPNIA/SEDI  State-of-the-art coupled-reaction-channel analysis  importance of couplings  8 He wave function from (p,t) transfer reaction  mixing of neutron configurations  Validates no-core shell model predictions (for R rms and ground-state wave function) N. Keeley et al., Phys. Lett. B 646, 222 (2007) A. Obertelli, DAPNIA review committee, November 13 th 2007 p,d,t beam

6 6 Evolution of shell structure far from stability Developed instrumentation MUST2 array:  project completed (2006)  DAPNIA/SPhN, IPN Orsay, GANIL collaboration  600 cm 2 active area  very compact geometry  all front-end electronics in vacuum  1400 channels (time & energy) MUST2 electronics:  ASICs ‘MATE’ developed by DAPNIA/SEDI ASIC providing unique possibilities:  Julich (Germany), Langhzou (China)  MUSETT project (DAPNIA/SPhN) A. Obertelli, DAPNIA review committee, November 13 th 2007

7 7 Evolution of shell structure far from stability Future projects Scientific program  Physics LOI’s for SPIRAL2 (5-10 MeV/nucleon) - r-process via transfer reactions - spectroscopy of unbound-states (DAPNIA/SPhN spokeperson)  Complementary program at high-energies (>100 MeV/nucleon) (p,p’) and (p,2p) studies on neutron-rich nuclei (GSI-FAIR, RIKEN) R&D  GASPARD: project of new-generation silicon array (SPIRAL2 LOI) MUST2 collaboration  windowless & thin cryogenic hydrogen target DAPNIA/SPhN, DAPNIA/SACM, CEA-SBT (Grenoble) collaboration  beam-tracking detectors for SPIRAL2 / FAIR-HISPEC DAPNIA / SPhN, DAPNIA/SEDI A. Obertelli, DAPNIA review committee, November 13 th 2007

8 8 Shell structure of heavy-elements  Where are the next shell closures for super-heavy elements ? Different predictions: Z=114 (Nilsson model), Z=120 (relativistic mean-field), Z=126 (Hartree Fock Bogolyubov)  Different methods: - synthesis - fission lifetimes - transfermium spectroscopy  Stable-beam programs at GANIL and Jyväskylä (Finland) A. Obertelli, DAPNIA review committee, November 13 th 2007

9 9 Shell structure of heavy-elements Nuclear fission lifetime of super-heavy elements Y. Aritomo & M. Otha Mass Asymmetry Relative Distance Quasi-fission - Fast process  < 10 -20 s Fusion-fission process with stabilizing shell effects - Slow process  > 10 -18 s M. Morjean et al., Eur. Phys. Jour. D 45, 27 (2007) M. Morjean et al., in preparation (2007) ‘short’ lifetime (  <10 -19 s) at Z=114 ‘long’ lifetime (  >10 -18 s) at Z=120 Z=124  blocking technique in mono-crystals: - direct lifetime measurement - no nuclear model dependance  Stable beams from GANIL: 238 U+Ni  Z=120 (N~176) 238 U+Ge  Z=124 (N~186) 208 Pb+Ge  Z=114 (N~166) A. Obertelli, DAPNIA review committee, November 13 th 2007

10 10 Shell structure of heavy-elements Spectroscopy of deformed transfermium elements A. Chatillon, PhD thesis (2005) A. Chatillon et al., EPJA 30, 397 (2006) A. Chatillon et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 132503 (2007)  coincidences  First observation of a rotational band in an odd-proton Transfermium nucleus, 251 Md  K-isomer spectroscopy of 254 No R.-D.Herzberg et al., Nature 442, 896 (2006) Transfermium-spectroscopy campaign at Jyväskylä (Finland) and GANIL  (axial deformation) 0 254 No 251 Md Experiments consistent with no Z=114 gap 101 102 A. Obertelli, DAPNIA review committee, November 13 th 2007 101 102  singles 8-8-

11 11 Shell structure of heavy-elements Future projects Physics program Delayed study of fusion products - synthesis of new super-heavy elements - spectroscopy of very-heavy nuclei - proton-dripline studies Very high-intensity stable beams of SPIRAL2 (>10 14 pps)  high-rejection & selectivity  17 laboratories  ~10 M€  funding - ANR for R&D (pending answer) - PCRD7: instrumentation for SPIRAL2  status - Detailed design study: 2009 - First experiments in 2012 DAPNIA contributions: - concept & design - Dedicated detection A. Obertelli, DAPNIA review committee, November 13 th 2007 Physics LOI DAPNIA/SPhN co-spokesperson (SPIRAL2 LOI, DAPNIA/SPhN co-spokeperson) S 3 : Super Separator Spectrometer

12 12 Shell structure of heavy-elements Technical developments MUSETT Si-stripped array for fusion product implantation and  -decay tagging  4 windowless Si-stripped detectors  electronics inherited from MUST2 developments  Collaboration: DAPNIA (SPhN, SEDI, SIS), GANIL  Financed by ANR (DAPNIA/SPhN) 470 k€ (including 2-year postdoc)  First implemented at VAMOS in 2009 Spectrometer focal plane A. Obertelli, DAPNIA review committee, November 13 th 2007

13 13 Shape coexistence in exotic nuclei  A~70 and N=Z region (unstable nuclei)  shape coexistence oblate ground states predicted at the N=Z line  benchmark for collective structure models  Krypton (Z=36) Coulomb excitation of 74,76 Kr radioactive SPIRAL beams at 4.5 MeV/nucleon E. Clément, PhD thesis (2006) E. Clément et al., PRC 75, 054313 (2007) + lifetime measurements (2005) plunger technique, Legnaro (Italy) A. Goergen et al., Eur. Phys. Jour. A 26, 153 (2005) 74 Kr Triaxiality plays a crucial role in the shape coexistence in light Kr isotopes M. Girod et al., in preparation (2007) M. Girod, CEA-DAM/SPN A. Obertelli, DAPNIA review committee, November 13 th 2007 HFB / Gogny D1S prolateoblate triaxial

14 14 Shape coexistence in exotic nuclei Selenium isotopes  70 Se(2 + ) (slightly) oblate deformed in agreement with triaxial HFB-based approaches  Intermediate-energy coulomb excitation of 68 Se planned at MSU (USA) in 2008 lifetime Coulomb excitation Coulomb excitation of 70 Se (Z=34) at 3 MeV/nucleon, REX-ISOLDE at CERN (2006) A. M. Hurst et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 072501 (2007) + lifetime (  ) measurements, Legnaro (2007) J. Ljungvall et al., in preparation (2007) A. Obertelli, DAPNIA review committee, November 13 th 2007 B(E2) (e 2 fm 4 )  1/  Q s (static quadrupole moment) 70 Se(2 1 + )

15 15 AGATA: Advanced Gamma Tracking Array New-generation 4  gamma-ray spectrometer (180 HPGe detectors) sensitive to interaction position via « gamma-ray tracking »  demonstrator (1/12) ready end of 2008  1/3 of the full system planned for 2012  DAPNIA strongly involved: - Steering committee (chairman, SPhN) - Management board (member, SPhN) - Data acquisition (group leader, SPhN) - Germanium detector laboratory (SEDI) - Detector support / control system (SIS) - Pulse-shape analysis (SPhN) - He cooling system (SIS+SACM) A. Obertelli, DAPNIA review committee, November 13 th 2007 40 laboratories (12 countries) / total budget ~50 M€ Year Observational Limit First AGATA detector at SEDI

16 16 ESNT: an important initiative for nuclear-structure theory ‘Espace de structure nucléaire théorique’ created in january 2005 by CEA/DSM (SPhN and SPhT) and CEA/DAM (SPN) Structure  ~ 4 workshops at DAPNIA/SPhN (per year)  scientific committee  long term visitors (1 postdoc + ~6-month senior visitor / year) History 2005: 4 workshops 2006: 3 workshops 2007: 4 workshops Goal develop interactions between : - theorists from different laboratories (CEA, CNRS, foreign laboratories…) - experimentalists and theorists shell-model, mean-field theories, transfer reactions, transfermiums, charge exchange reactions, pairing, correlations,… A. Obertelli, DAPNIA review committee, November 13 th 2007

17 17 Quark Gluon Plasma  Phase transition Predicted by lattice QCD T c ~200 MeV /  c ~ 1 GeV/fm 3  Producing QGP with ion-ion collisions - Na50 (SPS) : Pb-Pb @  s NN = 17 GeV - PHENIX (RHIC) : Au-Au @  s NN = 200 GeV - ALICE (LHC) : Pb-Pb @  s NN = 5.5 TeV J/  et   Using heavy quarkonia as a probe of QGP: - Produced in the early stage of the collision - J/  and  suppression by color screening - Other effects : cold matter interaction, coalescence, … -      decay channel A. Obertelli, DAPNIA review committee, November 13 th 2007 LHC

18 18 Quark Gluon Plasma J/  detection with Phenix – DAPNIA/SPhN contribution  entered collaboration in 2000  Electronics for North dimuon arm 25% of total budget and installation  Data taking  Data analysis SPhN, responsible for: - PHENIX simulation code - dimuon analysis code  Two PhD Thesis J/  production in Au-Au C. Silvestre, in progress J/  production in p-p and d-Au Y. Cobigo, PhD thesis (2004) PHENIX collaboration 14 countries 69 institutions 430 researchers A. Obertelli, DAPNIA review committee, November 13 th 2007

19 19 Quark Gluon Plasma J/  detection with Phenix - result p-p @  s NN = 200 GeV Au-Au @  s NN = 200 GeV Dimuon invariant mass Phenix collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 232301 (2007) Dimuon invariant mass A. Obertelli, DAPNIA review committee, November 13 th 2007

20 20 Quark Gluon Plasma From RHIC to LHC Thermodynamic conditions  Better defined thermodynamic conditions: - ‘macroscopic’ size, longer lifetime - local equilibrium Heavy resonances  J/  production in a more dense plasma  test for recombination effects  production of  will be studied for the first time separation of  and  ’  T/T c V/V RHIC  RHIC Heavy quarkonia  (GeV/fm 3 ) cc bb RHIC (  s NN = 200 GeV) 5-10 2 1 1 10 0.05 LHC (  s NN = 5.5 TeV) 20-30 4 3 10 200 6

21 21 Quark Gluon Plasma ALICE at LHC - DAPNIA contributions 5 trajectography station (CPC) 2 trigger stations (RPC) Warm dipole (∫Bdl ~ 3 Tm) Absorbers : front, beam pipe, trigger SPhN Responsabilities - Muon-arm project leader - Muon-tracking project leader - Muon tracking online and calibration coordinator  Simulations  Commissioning (2007-2008) SIS / SEDI  Construction  Assembly & Integration (2006-2007) ALICE collaboration 30 countries 97 institutions >1000 researchers We will be ready in 2008 for data taking! A. Obertelli, DAPNIA review committee, November 13 th 2007 Installation in the cavern

22 22 Nuclear structureQuark-gluon plasma Permanents (11): R. Dayras A. Drouart A. Gillibert V. Lapoux L. Nalpas E. Pollacco C. Simenel A. Goergen W. Korten A. Obertelli C. Theisen PhD students: B. Avez (06-) A. Chatillon (02-05) E. Clément (03-06) X. Mougeot (05-) A. Obertelli (02-05) F. Skaza (01-04) Postdocs: C. Dossat (05-07) N. Keeley (06-08) J. Ljungvall (06-) B. Martin (07-) B. Sulignano (07-) M. Zielinska (06-07) Permanent (6): A. Baldisseri H. Borel J. Castillo J.-L. Charvet J. Gosset (retired in 2006) H. Pereira F. Staley PhD students: Y. Cobigo (01-04) E. Dumonteil (01-04) C. Silvestre (05-) Staff members A. Obertelli, DAPNIA review committee, November 13 th 2007 Thank you for your attention.

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