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Good Morning! 1.NVC 2.HOT ROC: Rosie the Riveter 3.Social and Economic Changes at Home – Japanese Internment Essential Question: What social and economic.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Morning! 1.NVC 2.HOT ROC: Rosie the Riveter 3.Social and Economic Changes at Home – Japanese Internment Essential Question: What social and economic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Morning! 1.NVC 2.HOT ROC: Rosie the Riveter 3.Social and Economic Changes at Home – Japanese Internment Essential Question: What social and economic changes occurred on the home front?

2 HOT ROC: Rosie the Riveter What economic and social changes in the United States does the “Rosie the Riveter” campaign represent?

3 Other Economic Changes at Home War Bonds: Citizens “buy” bonds, giving money to the government War Production Board: manage the mobilization of civilian industries to make military equipment Tax Increases: needed to pay for increased government war spending Rationing: limited distribution of food, gasoline, etc Price Controls: scarcity of goods = high demand, government decides price to prevent big increases Great Depression Ends: demand for military supplies revives the economy, incomes and jobs increase

4 Japanese-Americans Executive Order 9066 – Interment of “enemy aliens” aka ALL Japanese-Americans – tch?v=VrXht2h4BrU tch?v=VrXht2h4BrU – Why did we intern Japanese Americans? Do you find this reason convincing? Korematsu v. United States: Supreme court says internment is okay – “the ugly abyss of racism”— Justice Murphy

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