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European start up meeting Lausanne, 4/09/2009. What is EBCA? An international not for profit organization Founded to better support the national burn.

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Presentation on theme: "European start up meeting Lausanne, 4/09/2009. What is EBCA? An international not for profit organization Founded to better support the national burn."— Presentation transcript:

1 European start up meeting Lausanne, 4/09/2009

2 What is EBCA? An international not for profit organization Founded to better support the national burn patient associations, – in a coordinated way – In a permanent way (sec., HQ fix) – In order to better defend the rights of the burn patients on a European level (towards EU officials and stakeholders) – With a central information point – Funded by all parties concerned with better prevention and better rights for the burn patients

3 What has been done already? One FT staff member: Hubert, since 1/01/2009 Funding guarantee until end 2011 already Information gathering in headquarters Website Links to national websites Information exchange between members Some financial means to reimburse the meeting costs of EBCA, no transport costs yet

4 What comes in 2010? Specific international project launch (Busworld) Continuation of information gathering Expanding the international network with other countries next to Belgium, Holland, France,… 1 meeting/year One central meeting place Permanent contact with EU officials

5 What’s in it for you? Information sharing of national know-how on: – National projects (and results!) of prevention – Statistics – Becoming a reliable and quality check-point for EU – Opinion leading regarding “hot” issues, such as flame retardants, domestic escape roads, smoke detecting, better bus and car safety instructions, …) – Campaign sharing in a controlled way

6 Questions on…..?

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