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Proposal Draft layouts Draft fonts Photos and their stages of manipulation Your knowledge of similar bands Your target audience The style look etc that.

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Presentation on theme: "Proposal Draft layouts Draft fonts Photos and their stages of manipulation Your knowledge of similar bands Your target audience The style look etc that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposal Draft layouts Draft fonts Photos and their stages of manipulation Your knowledge of similar bands Your target audience The style look etc that you hoped to achieve

2 This is my contents page draft layout one, I felt that I like this one a lot more than I did the other. I think things should be very clear in a contents page because if you are trying to find a specific page you don't want to be wasting time looking for it on the contents page. So for me this one was better because it was a lot more clear. And looking at this one compared with the one on the next slide I realised this one has the more potential to make readers want to read on.

3 I personally thought this was all a bit all over the place, I actually tried this with my photos and information and it looked very messy.

4 I only did one double page spread layout because I felt that because I had chosen the pictures I was going to use I felt that I didn't need to keep changing it around, I know my readers will like it to be clear so that they can read the quotes separate from the title and columns etc, it doesn't need to be mixed all around the page.

5 I think a picture in the middle of the page was most eye catching and that the words overlapping the photo had a very good effect, didn't make it look messy but professional, something like you would find in the shops

6 Hype Drop Wired Live vibe! Rock the boat I landed on the title of drop, I chose this because I thought it could be one that I can play around with most as in which way I could display a drop. It also has many connotations considering what it means. Meaning music, tiredness or drugs. Indie rock is a genre of rock music that originated in the United Kingdom and the United States in the 1980s and earlier. The term is often used to describe the means of production and distribution of independent underground music, as well as the style of music that was first associated with this means of production. Quoted from: eid=rock musicUnited KingdomUnited Statesindependentunderground music

7 DenotationsConnotations RockHard, unbreakable, dangerous. IndividualAlone, independent, unique. RebelliousAgainst conventions, bad, young and carefree. InnocentPure, angelic, well behaved. DropWater, sound, music, drugs, tired. WavesWater, nature, uncontrollable. YoungLiving life, free, wild. EnglishRowdy, posh, common, denim, loud. MusicEscape, quite, loud, mental, friends, drinking, having fun.

8 I feel that I can relate to this magazine because I read lots of magazines similar, I am a bug fan of indie rock music and love hearing about new artists. I hope therefore I know what the readers will want. Genre- Indie music Magazines similar: NME, Kerrang, Q

9 15-24 years olds what is know as indie kids/ indie people Music magazines are mostly popular with the younger generation and younger people probably because they can be easily influenced the most. I want my magazine to be interesting for people like me, because I know I like magazines at the age i am now and know most other teens would feel the same. Indie people usually go to shows not to far from them and have quite open groups, they are always open to meeting new people, they love socialising and listening to music and when the two are combined. Indie people usually make friends with other people they do no know at shows and gigs mainly because they all share the same passion and therefore consider everyone to be equal, theres not much diversity with indie people/music. Indie people are a group of people who do not conform to the normal trends they tend to wear what they want when they want and either no one copies them or their close friends do. Most indie people don't think too much into if their cool or not.


11 Denotationsconnotations GrassNature, pure, innocence Union jackPatriotic, british RoadStreet girl, Normal, getting from A to B BarsPrison, trapped, bad, dangerous

12 Page 5-Whose got a new album? This is just basically out of all the new and old artists who has got new albums out this week/month Page 14-whose better? Fire! No escape or Intel momentum? This is a battle of the bands, they both had live gigs and our star reporter went to both and we see her views and some fans views on who is better in their eyes. Page 19-QUIZ! How much do you know? Just a few general questions on bands and music to test you to see how much you know. Page 34-The art of playing A few tips on playing guitar, how to start and how to go pro. Page47-Why me? A few true stories from fans of the magazine, what has gone right recently and what has gone terribly wrong Page 50-Whats it all about, Alfie? A quick 20 minute interview with non other than Alfie Malone Page7-What is everybody wearing? A quick flash at the hottest looks this week from the best bands and solo artists Page 9-Top 10 indie singles of the week A look at the best selling records this week, and what other people think about them Page 21-Party animal Pictures that the bands would rather us not see Page 27-The grass is always greener A look at what we would love to live like if we were a famous indie rock group.

13 The colours on this front page are like that of police tape once a bad accident has happened. This has connotations of warning and danger. The face that the main lady is pulling is very full of attitude and aggression this shows connotations to show that she is a woman not to be messed with. The variety of pictures at the bottom of the page displays that there is alot to be read in this magazine and that it would be well worth your money if your purchase it because the information inside would flow on forever. Following conventions has been shown in this magazine because the main woman looks angry and that shows that all indie/emo people have suppressed issues and are mean people, which is not always the case but is how it is sometimes portrayed.

14 This does not follow conventions as most people would not see indie artists taking some of their clothes off for a photo shoot. This photo has many connotations as the panthers look hungry and angry while Lily Allen is looking shy and sweet. This poses a very interesting image for the audience, the way lily is looking sweet it makes the panthers look innocent. The way the lily Allen title is centre of the page and the colours are well contrasted as the panthers are black and Lily Allen is white.

15 The type of place that will sell my product would be small independent stores such as newsagents and corner shops. These would probably be best because people could get to them easily.

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