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1 Pack 000 Joining Night! JTE #2. What is Cub Scouting? Year-Round, Family-Friendly program led by adult volunteers and designed for boys in 1 st -5 th.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Pack 000 Joining Night! JTE #2. What is Cub Scouting? Year-Round, Family-Friendly program led by adult volunteers and designed for boys in 1 st -5 th."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Pack 000 Joining Night! JTE #2

2 What is Cub Scouting? Year-Round, Family-Friendly program led by adult volunteers and designed for boys in 1 st -5 th grade (ages 7-10) Involves hands on activities based on –Citizenship training –Character Development –Personal Fitness 2

3 Cub Scout Dens 1 st Grade-Tigers 2 nd Grade-Wolves 3 rd Grade-Bears 4 th Grade-First year Webelos 5 th Grade-Second year Webelos 3 JTE #5

4 Meeting Dates Pack Meetings ____ Day of each Month (Sept.-May) 0:00pm Name of location Address Den Meetings ____ Day of each week (Sept.-May) 0:00pm Name of location Address 4 JTE #9

5 Pack 000’s Annual Events: Parades Pinewood Derby Blue & Gold Banquet Fishing Derby Cub Scout Day Camp And Go See It Events! 5 JTE #6

6 Summer Camp Opportunities: Cub Scout Day Camp Location Time duration Ages Tentative dates 6 Webelos Resident Camp Location Time duration Ages Tentative dates JTE #7

7 Service Opportunities Scouting for Food Drive Church Clean-Up Day Winter Coat Drive Book Drive Adopt A School Program 7 JTE #8

8 The Cost of Scouting Below is the pro-rated cost to register from now through December : $24 Registration Fee (Prorated @ $2 per month) $1 Insurance Fee $12 Boys’ Life Magazine Subscription (Prorated @ $1 per month) $00 Checks can be made out to: Pack 000 *Note: There will be additional costs for individual activities, uniforms and Pack dues however the above costs are what it actually costs to register Scouts in the program 8

9 Boys’ Life Magazine…. 9 Includes age-appropriate material for readers Combines the fun of good reading with the enjoyment of learning new things. Helps boys experience Scouting when they are not in meetings Studies show that subscribers stay in Scouting two times longer than those who do not subscribe! It’s just fun to get something in the mail! JTE #3

10 Pack Fundraising Opportunities Fall Popcorn Sales! –Popcorn sales can help us fund our Pack’s program needs for the year and part of the revenue generated through sales helps our local Council as well! Bottle and Can Drives –Many units run bottle and can drives to help support the cost of their programs. 10 JTE #1

11 Uniforms Additional items-Available at your local Scout Shop Handbook Neckerchief and Slide Uniform Shirt Pack Numbers (000) 11

12 Scout Shop Locations 12 Mohegan Council Service Center 19 Harvard St. Worcester, MA 01609 Phone: 508- 752-3769

13 Help Wanted: Tiger Den Leader & Assistant Den Leader Assistant Cubmaster Popcorn Kernel Pack Treasurer Pack Webmaster 13 JTE #10

14 Training Available: All Trainings available online at Every volunteer should create and account and take Youth Protection Training! Upcoming Face to Face trainings: (Insert date, time, location) 14 JTE #11

15 Continuation of Scouting Our Cub Scout Pack partners with Troop 000 so that when boys age out of Cub Scouting they have an older boy program to join! Boy Scouts is for boys who are 11 years old, or who have completed the 5 th grade through the age of 17. 15 JTE #4

16 How to register today: Turn in a Youth Application $___ Joining Fee Parent Talent Survey 16


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