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RCS ELA Common Core and Essential Standards Training Grade 4 August 16, 2012 Presenters: Katie Eller Angela Harris

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Presentation on theme: "RCS ELA Common Core and Essential Standards Training Grade 4 August 16, 2012 Presenters: Katie Eller Angela Harris"— Presentation transcript:

1 RCS ELA Common Core and Essential Standards Training Grade 4 August 16, 2012 Presenters: Katie Eller ( Angela Harris (

2 Agenda Introduction to RCS Integrated ELA Pacing Guide Randolph County Connected Literacy Expectations Year at a Glance A Closer Look at Unit One – (Changes Over Time) Assessment Updates RCS Revised High Frequency and Spelling Lists

3 RCS Integrated ELA Pacing Guides Organized by ELA Units of Study o First Quarter – 1 unit o Second and Third Quarter – 2 units each o Fourth Quarter – 1 unit Literacy strands/subjects by colors All Science/Social Studies/Information-Technology and Healthful Living Standards included (no curriculum cards) Most standards are bold/Clarifying objectives are not bold Some objectives are spiraled.

4 Let’s take a closer look!



7 RCS Connected Literacy Expectations Connected Literacy Whole Group/ Shared Reading/ Read Aloud Guided Reading Writer’s Workshop Word Study and Vocabulary Independent Reading

8 Year at a Glance The Comprehension Toolkit Jan Richardson Strategies Lucy Calkins Units of Study for Teaching Writing



11 A Closer Look at Unit One Overview Unit Goals Learning Targets Essential Questions Performance Task Suggested Learning Experiences Unit Materials and Resources Vocabulary Other Resources/Hyperlinks

12 Create a Graphic Organizer Use page 7 of Unit 1 to: o Create a Graphic Organizer about your book/excerpt o Fill in as many of the categories as you can o Gallery Walk

13 Assessment Updates Writing Assessments Grades 3-5 o Only 3 samples will be required for the writing portfolio beginning in 2012- 2013.

14 3 rd Grade4 th Grade5 th Grade Unit One/ Quarter One  Baseline 2-day Writing Assessment (Required for RTI)  Launching Writers’ Workshop  Narrative focus Sample #1 (Narrative – linked to Unit Goals under Writing) Due by the end of 1 st Quarter  Baseline 2-day Writing Assessment (Required for RTI)  Launching Writers’ Workshop  Narrative focus Sample #1 (Narrative – linked to Unit Goals under Writing) Due by the end of 1 st Quarter  Baseline 2-day Writing Assessment (Required for RTI)  Launching Writers’ Workshop  Info/Explanatory focus Sample #1 (Info/Explanatory – linked to the Performance Task) Due by the end of 1 st Quarter Unit Two/ Quarter Two  Informative/ Explanatory focus  Informative/ Explanatory focus  Opinion focus Unit Three/ Quarter Two  Informative/ Explanatory focus Sample #2 (Informative/ Explanatory – may link to performance task in unit 3) Due by the end of 2 nd Quarter  Informative/ Explanatory focus Sample #2 (Informative/ Explanatory – linked to Unit Goals under Writing) Due by the end of 2 nd Quarter  Opinion focus Sample #2 (Opinion – On Demand) Due by the end of 2 nd Quarter Unit Four/ Quarter Three  Opinion Focus Sample #3 Opinion – linked to Unit Goals under Writing) Due by the end of 3 rd Quarter  Opinion Focus Sample #3 (Opinion – linked to Unit Goals under Writing) Due by the end of 3 rd Quarter  Narrative focus Sample #3 (Narrative – linked to the performance task) Due by the end of 3 rd Quarter Quarter Four Additional writing goals will be taught in quarter 4 according to the ELA Unit pacing guide.

15 Let’s Talk! THINK: Think back to a character from your book/excerpt. Do any of the character’s experiences remind you of an experience from your own life? WRITE: Briefly describe your common experience on a sticky note. PAIR SHARE: Share your sticky note with your partner. Find text evidence that supports how your experience was similar to the character’s. Flag it in your book.

16 New RCS Word Lists High Frequency WordsPhonics/Word Study Focus Students use in their writing Use word wall strategies 5 per week or as oddballs during phonics sorts Use spelling inventory results to determine starting point Focus on one word study principle (short a) Sort words/pictures Common Core Standards and RCS Suggested Word Study Sequence (K-5) Why Word Study Matters

17 Differentiate!

18 Let’s Practice!

19 Additional Word Study Resources Words Their Way: Word Study in Action (video tutorials, assessment, and ELL tips) Word Study Books

20 Dramatization/Fluency using Poetry Choose one of the poems from this unit to read and discuss with a partner. How does it fit the theme of the unit? Perform the poem as a duet with a partner at your table.

21 Vocabulary


23 K-5 Wiki Grade 3 Readers Notebook Sample from Jan Richardson NC Wise Owl - Your Google Alternative m m 4 th Grade Resources and Links 23

24 Bio-Poem ~ Part 1 Write a bio-poem about yourself Use the construction paper and any other supplies to create an example to share with your students Bio-Poem format Look at Part 2 (page 9)

25 Ticket Out the Door What are you most excited about? What burning question do you have?

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