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 After World War I, the Allies met in Paris to discuss a peace treaty. President Wilson wanted to create a League of Nations to settle disputes, but was.

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Presentation on theme: " After World War I, the Allies met in Paris to discuss a peace treaty. President Wilson wanted to create a League of Nations to settle disputes, but was."— Presentation transcript:

1  After World War I, the Allies met in Paris to discuss a peace treaty. President Wilson wanted to create a League of Nations to settle disputes, but was denied by the Senate.

2  1. Describe the purpose of the Selective Service Act.  2. Explain how Liberty Bonds helped the war effort.  3. What is the purpose of rationing during wartime?  4. What was the issue in the court case Schenck v. U.S., and how did the Supreme Court decide the case?

3  In 1919, the “Big Three” met in Paris to discuss peace after WWI  Wilson (U.S.), George (Great Britain), Clemenceau (France)

4  Allies have different goals:  George/Clemenceau  want to punish Germany, take away its war-making capabilities  Wilson  wants to establish a lasting peace among nations

5  Wilson outlines his plan for peace, Fourteen Points:  No secret alliances  Freedom of the seas  Self-determination for all nations  League of Nations

6  Wilson wanted to create a League of Nations:  Purpose:  international peacekeeping organization  Settle disputes without war  In the Treaty of Versailles, Wilson gave up all other points in order to include the League of Nations  The Senate needed to ratify the treaty for it to go into effect

7  Many Republican Senators opposed the League:  Isolationism  feared it would get U.S. involved in more war

8  The Senate does not ratify the Treaty  The U.S. does not join the League of Nations  League is weak and unable to stop Hitler in the 1930s

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