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Working with Large Worksheets. 2 Managing Large Worksheets: Sorting by a Single Column  Sort buttons  Sorts by one column only AscendingDescending Always.

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Presentation on theme: "Working with Large Worksheets. 2 Managing Large Worksheets: Sorting by a Single Column  Sort buttons  Sorts by one column only AscendingDescending Always."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working with Large Worksheets

2 2 Managing Large Worksheets: Sorting by a Single Column  Sort buttons  Sorts by one column only AscendingDescending Always save before you sort! If problems occur, exit without saving and revert to presorted data

3 3 Managing Large Worksheets: Sorting by Multiple Columns  From data menu Sort by up to three columns Sorts each column in ascending or descending order

4 4 Managing Large Worksheets: Freezing Panes Leaves column A visible when scrolling to the right Leaves row 1 visible when scrolling down

5 5 Managing Large Worksheets: Splitting Window Panes  View different sections of a worksheet at the same time Separate scroll bars for vertical panes Separate scroll bars for horizontal panes

6 6 Setting up Pages for Printing: Page Options Position data vertically or horizontally Compress data to fit on a page Choose paper size and print quality Change starting page number

7 7 Setting Up Pages for Printing: Margins Changes margins or header/footer measurements Center worksheet

8 8 Setting Up Pages for Printing: Built-In Headers and Footers  Previously used headers/footers become built in Built-in header drop-down list Built-in footer drop-down list

9 9 Setting Up Pages for Printing: Custom Headers and Footers Type text in sections Insert codes in sections

10 10 Setting Up Pages for Printing: Sheet Options Print only certain area Select columns and rows to print on all pages What to print besides data Choose the order to print

11 11 Setting Up Pages for Printing: Working with Page Breaks Automatic page break Manual page break

12 12 Setting Up Pages for Printing: Page Break Preview Preview page break Displays page numbers

13 Working with Large Worksheets

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