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Utility Exceptions “Keys to Success”. 2 Utility Exceptions “Keys to Success” “Where compliance with a Policy, roadway design criteria or standard is impractical,

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Presentation on theme: "Utility Exceptions “Keys to Success”. 2 Utility Exceptions “Keys to Success” “Where compliance with a Policy, roadway design criteria or standard is impractical,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Utility Exceptions “Keys to Success”

2 2 Utility Exceptions “Keys to Success” “Where compliance with a Policy, roadway design criteria or standard is impractical, an “Exception” must be obtained”

3 3 Utility Exceptions “Keys to Success” “The Exception process is not solely to be applied to FDOT roadway projects. Any time a Utility can not comply with FDOT policy, criteria or standards contained within the UAM, an exception is required…”

4 4 Utility Exceptions “Keys to Success” Types Vertical ClearanceVertical Clearance Horizontal ClearanceHorizontal Clearance Limited Access R/W UseLimited Access R/W Use (L/A R/W, Rails, Trails, Bikeways) (L/A R/W, Rails, Trails, Bikeways) Control ZoneControl Zone Clear ZoneClear Zone MSE WallsMSE Walls

5 5 Utility Exceptions “Keys to Success” Coordination and Review Conceptual DevelopmentConceptual Development Preliminary Submittal (2 weeks)Preliminary Submittal (2 weeks) Final Submittal (2 weeks)Final Submittal (2 weeks) District Design Engineer Approval (2 weeks)District Design Engineer Approval (2 weeks) State Roadway Design Engineer ConcurrenceState Roadway Design Engineer Concurrence (2 weeks)

6 6 Utility Exceptions “Keys to Success” Concurrence and Approval Recommended by the UtilityRecommended by the Utility Approved by the District Design EngineerApproved by the District Design Engineer Concurrence from the State Roadway Design EngineerConcurrence from the State Roadway Design Engineer

7 7 Utility Exceptions “Keys to Success” Who Who When When What What

8 8 Utility Exceptions “Keys to Success” Who Who UAM; “It is the responsibility of the Utility to initiate a request for an exception …” D 5; In order to ensure that potential exceptions are handled in a timely manner, a cooperative effort between the FDOT PM, Consultant PM, EOR, Utility Liaison and UAO is essential

9 9 Utility Exceptions “Keys to Success” WhenWhen UAM; “ … it is critical that exceptions be identified as early in the process as practical.” D 5; The process of identifying potential utilityexceptions starts during scope development. For projects with a study phase exceptions are to be identified during the study.

10 10 Utility Exceptions “Keys to Success” What WhatUAM; –Description –Safety Impacts –Benefit/Cost Assessment –Conclusion and Recommendation

11 11 Utility Exceptions “Keys to Success” What What D 5; –Blanket Exceptions not permitted –Matrix/Table listing each pole –Layout/plan sheets with dimensions –Photos –Alternative analysis

12 12 Utility Exceptions “Keys to Success” Format Format –Form (710-010-61) –Narrative and all supporting documentation –Header/footer on each page with pages numbered

13 13 Utility Exceptions “Keys to Success”

14 14 Utility Exceptions “Keys to Success” Comments ? Questions ?

15 15 Utility Exceptions “Keys to Success” george.borchik@dot.state.fl.us386-943-5163

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