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“I Can” Learning Targets 4th Grade Reading 5th Six Weeks Important Note: Slide 1 Cover slide Slide 2 Pacing Guide Slide 3-8 Literature (Skills to be covered.

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Presentation on theme: "“I Can” Learning Targets 4th Grade Reading 5th Six Weeks Important Note: Slide 1 Cover slide Slide 2 Pacing Guide Slide 3-8 Literature (Skills to be covered."— Presentation transcript:

1 “I Can” Learning Targets 4th Grade Reading 5th Six Weeks Important Note: Slide 1 Cover slide Slide 2 Pacing Guide Slide 3-8 Literature (Skills to be covered throughout the year. All of these skills will not be addressed in one six wks. Slide 9-11 Writing (Incorporate where appropriate.) Slide 12-13 “I Can” Learning Targets for skill pages in text 1

2 5th Six Weeks Pacing Guide Six WeeksLiteratureSkills 5 th (Six Weeks Ends 4/12) Guiding Question: What makes an adventure? Amelia and Eleanor Go for a RideSequence/Story Structure Women ExplorersUnfamiliar Words Antarctic JournalMain Idea and Details/Text Structure Swimming Towards IceGreek and Latin Roots MoonwalkDraw Conclusions/Monitor and Fix Up A Walk on the MoonSynonyms Poetry Collection pg. 630; Unit Wrap-Up; TCAP Review/Re-teach My Brother MartinCause and Effect/Answer Questions Hopes and Dreams of Young PeopleWord Endings Jim Thorpe’s Bright PathFact and Opinion/Text Structure Special Olympics, Spectacular AthletesMultiple-Meaning Words 2

3 “I Can” Literature, Part I GLE 8.1  I can describe the meaning of…  “making an inference”  “compare”  “contrast”  “author’s purpose”  I can give my opinion about what I read.  I can use different pre-reading strategies (based on what I already know, study important words, and I can relate what I read to past and current events).  I can determine how a problem in a story is connected to its solution/conclusion.  I can understand what I have read.  I can learn new words by listening to literature, participating in discussions, and reading the books I choose.  I can understand that literature comes from different cultures.  I can identify author’s purpose. (to entertain, to inform, to persuade, and to share feelings)  I can identify and describe a characters actions, motives, and appearances.  I can find the problem and solution in a story and I can think of other possible solutions.  I can sequence the events of a story from beginning to end.  I can compare and contrast different versions of the same story that is set in different cultures.  I can make predictions about what I read.  I can make inferences and draw conclusions based on information I read. GLE 8.2  I can read smoothly without stopping, pausing, or repeating words as I read from different kinds of texts like poetry, drama, current events, or novels. 3

4 “I Can” Literature, Part II GLE 8.3  I can describe the meaning of…  “fable”  “genre”.  I can read different genres. (poetry, novels, short stories, plays, historical fiction, and nonfiction).  I can understand first person point of view.  I can identify different types of things to read (poems, plays, and novels).  I can understand the theme of a story.  I can identify different plot features of fairy tales, folk tales, fables, and myths. GLE 8.4  I can describe the meaning of…  “alliteration”  “metaphor”  “simile”  I can identify sound devices in poetry. (alliteration, rhythm, rhyme, repetition, and onomatopoeia)  I can identify and understand figurative language. (imagery, simile, metaphor, personification, and hyperbole) 4

5 “I Can” Informational Text, Part I (ex. Expository Nonfiction, Articles, etc.) GLE 6.1  I can make an inference.  I can identify author’s purpose.  I can make predictions.  I can draw conclusions.  I can find information that supports my opinions.  I can prepare to read by using a graphic organizer to organize information I already know.  I can get information by reading a chart, map, or timeline.  I can understand what I read.  I can understand different ways to get information (e.g. autobiographies, letters, diaries, Internet sites).  I can prepare to read by exploring important words  I can give my opinion, make inferences, and draw conclusions based on what I read.  I can name the main idea and supporting details from what I read.  I can relate things I know to things I read.  I can ask myself questions about a story before I read, while I am reading, and after I read. 5

6 “I Can” Informational Text, Part II (ex. Expository Nonfiction, Articles, etc.) GLE 6.2  I can describe the meaning of…  index  caption  I can follow instructions with more than one step (a scavenger hunt or building a model).  I can use a chapter title, glossary, and index.  I can put instructions in sequential order.  I can understand the sequence of events that I have read.  I can use headings, key words, graphics, captions, and side bars.  I can use a title, title page, and table of contents. 6

7 “I Can” Logic and Reasoning in Reading  I can describe the meaning of…  “making inferences”  “prediction”  “drawing conclusions”  “analogy”  I can make predictions while reading, viewing or listening.  I can find the problem in a story.  I can find the solution to the problem in the story.  I can find more than one solution to the problem in a story.  I can use synonyms and antonyms to solve analogies.  I can make inferences to draw conclusions about something I read.  I can put events in order as they happen. 7

8 “I Can” Poetry/Plays (use as appropriate with pages 384-387)  I can read smoothly without stopping, pausing, or repeating words as I read from different kinds of texts like poetry, drama, current events, or novels.  I can read different genres. (poetry, novels, short stories, plays, historical fiction, and nonfiction)  I can identify different types of things to read (poems, plays, and novels).  I can describe the meaning of…  alliteration  Metaphor  simile  I can identify sound devices in poetry. (alliteration, rhythm, rhyme, repetition, and onomatopoeia)  I can identify and understand figurative language. (imagery, simile, metaphor, personification, and hyperbole ) 8

9 “I Can” Writing, slide 1 of 3 (Academic Vocabulary and CFUs, part I)  I can describe the meaning of…  audience  author’s purpose  compare  time order  topic sentence  proofreading  transitional words  Outline  I can determine an audience and a purpose for writing.  I can write for a variety of purposes: to entertain, persuade, inform, demonstrate knowledge, answer questions, respond to literature, acquire knowledge (e.g., take notes, synthesize information).  I can write to a prompt within a specified time limit.  I can write poems, stories, and essays based upon personal reflections, observations, and experiences.  I can write friendly and business letters.  I can compare in writing two persons or things.  I can write creative, imaginative, and original responses to literature (e.g., poems, raps, stories).  I can use all steps in the writing process: brainstorm and organize ideas, create a first draft, revise and proofread draft, share completed work.  I can arrange ideas by using graphic organizers (e.g., listing, clustering, story maps, webs).

10 “I Can” Writing, Slide 2 of 3 (CFUs, part I)  I can select and refine a topic.  I can develop a topic sentence with supporting details and a concluding sentence to form a paragraph.  I can construct varied sentences (i.e., syntactic variety) to add interest.  I can arrange multi-paragraph work in a logical and coherent order.  I can use appropriate time-order or transitional words.  I can incorporate vivid language into writing.  I can use correct page format (e.g., paragraphs, margins, indentations, titles).  I can revise to clarify and refine ideas; to distinguish among important, unimportant, and irrelevant information; and to enhance word selection.  I can use resources (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, computer) to aid in the writing process.  I can develop and use a classroom rubric for written work and use for peer review and editing.  I can use technology to publish and present.

11 “I Can” Writing, Slide 3 of 3 (CFUs, part 3 and SPIs)  I can identify and explore opportunities for publication (e.g., local/national contests, Internet websites, newspapers, periodicals, school displays).  SPIs  I can identify the purpose for writing (i.e., to entertain, to inform, to share  experiences).  I can identify the audience for which a text is written.  I can choose a topic sentence for a paragraph.  I can select details that support a topic sentence.  I can rearrange sentences to form a sequential, coherent paragraph.  I can choose the supporting sentence that best fits the context and flow of ideas in a paragraph.  I can identify sentences irrelevant to a paragraph’s theme or flow.  I can select appropriate time- order or transitional words to enhance the flow of a writing sample.  I can select an appropriate title that reflects the topic of a written selection.  I can complete a graphic organizer (i.e., clustering, listing, mapping, webbing) to group ideas for writing.

12 “I Can” Skills (Text pgs. 560-563, 582-585)  I can understand the sequence of events that I have read.  I can put things in the order they happened (from beginning to end) in a story or report that I have read.  I can use clues, prefixes, suffixes, and root words to help me determine the meaning of words I don’t know.  I can use sentence clues, dictionaries, and glossaries to help me determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.  I can name the main idea and supporting details from what I read.  Optional: I can create an outline with main ideas and supporting details.  I can use common text features to help me understand what I am reading (e.g., headings, key words, graphics, captions, side bars).  I can use prefixes, suffixes, and root words to help me understand what I am reading. 12

13 “I Can” Skills (Text pgs.608-611, 638-641, 660-663)  I can describe the meaning of “drawing conclusions”.  I can locate information to support opinions, predictions, and conclusions.  I can make inference and draw conclusion from things that I have read, seen, or heard.  I can describe the meaning of “synonym”.  I can recognize synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms.  I can use synonyms and antonyms to solve analogies.  I can identify the cause and the effect of events I have read.  I can describe the meaning of “facts”.  I can distinguish fact from opinion and cause from effect and fantasy from reality.  I can select and use questions before, during, and after I read to help me understand.  I can ask and answer questions with teachers and group members.  I can use the dictionary, glossary, thesaurus, and other word- referenced materials. 13

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