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City of Dunnellon Comprehensive Plan Amendment  Future Land Use Element  Conservation Element  Concurrency Management System.

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Presentation on theme: "City of Dunnellon Comprehensive Plan Amendment  Future Land Use Element  Conservation Element  Concurrency Management System."— Presentation transcript:

1 City of Dunnellon Comprehensive Plan Amendment  Future Land Use Element  Conservation Element  Concurrency Management System

2 10/16/07Page 2 Citizen Comments  Two workshops on the Future Land Use Map (FLUM)  Questionnaire and workshop on land use issues  Workshop on natural resource protection techniques

3 10/16/07Page 3 Results:  Mixed uses  New urbanism (traditional)  Low impact and green buildings  Better land use categories  Better resource protection  No increased densities  Design standards

4 10/16/07Page 4 Future Land Use Element  New land use categories  Revised Future Land Use Map  Conservation subdivisions  Low impact design

5 10/16/07Page 5 Land use categories:  Low density residential  Medium density residential  High density residential  Commercial – replaces three current categories  Traditional neighborhood (new)  Mixed-use – replaces PUD

6 10/16/07Page 6  Public  Agriculture – two density levels  Recreation  Conservation

7 10/16/07Page 7 Commercial:  Special standards:  Vehicle sales, repair, rental, storage, or maintenance  Hazardous wastes  Buildings with more than 80,000 s.f.  Drive-up facilities  Within 150 feet of a river shoreline  R.V. Parks

8 10/16/07Page 8  Large buildings  Screening of equipment  Integration of accessory structures  Design techniques  Drive-up facilities  Limitations when adjacent to residential development or district

9 10/16/07Page 9  Within 150 feet of river shoreline  Limited to uses that require water access to operate – or –  Limited to uses that provide public access for water activities – or –  Limited to uses that provide public access for water enjoyment

10 10/16/07Page 10  New compatibility requirements  Buffers  Location of dumpsters  Location and design of outdoor lighting  Location and design of parking lots  Location requirements for specific land use categories

11 10/16/07Page 11 Traditional neighborhood:  Single use on one lot is permissible  One dwelling combined with a nonresidential use is permissible  Two or more lots – either single use or mixed-use; maximum 50% residential when mixed-use  Five acres or more requires mixed-use  Specific design standards

12 10/16/07Page 12 Mixed-use:  Minimum of three different uses required  Neighborhood scale development required  Ten or more acres allow community scale commercial or office  Specific design standards

13 10/16/07Page 13 Amendments to the FLUM:  Traditional neighborhood requires at least five acres  Mixed-use requires at least ten acres

14 10/16/07Page 14 Agriculture:  Maximum residential density is one dwelling unit per ten acres  One dwelling unit per five acres is permissible for a conservation subdivision

15 10/16/07Page 15 Conservation subdivision:  Clustering required  Requires 50% open space – half in one contiguous parcel  Maximum 20% of open space used for stormwater  Chemical applications prohibited on open space  Specific design standards

16 10/16/07Page 16 Low impact design standards:  Disconnected impervious surfaces  Porous pavement  Golf courses – Audubon International Signature program  Wastewater treatment facility connections required

17 10/16/07Page 17 Conservation Element  Workshop Results:  Reduce/prohibit fast release fertilizers  Regulate clearing of vegetation  River protection  Springs protection

18 10/16/07Page 18  Policy language strengthened  River Corridor Protection Area  Fast-release fertilizers prohibited  Habitat protection  Wetlands protection

19 10/16/07Page 19 : River Corridor Protection Area:  150 Feet from OHWL of rivers, navigable coves  Abutting wetlands  Removal of exotic, invasive plants  Clearing limited to 10%  Buffers and native vegetation required

20 10/16/07Page 20 Springs Protection:  Minimize nitrates to groundwater  Setbacks  Vegetation protection  Landscaping standards

21 10/16/07Page 21 Concurrency Management  Consistent with State requirements  Facilities and services available when permits are issued – or –  Deferred only to the extent allowed by law  De minimis requirements (very small impact is exempt)

22 10/16/07Page 22 What does concurrency mean?  Permit issued for development only if these facilities are available:  Potable water  Wastewater treatment  Recreation  Solid waste  Roads  Drainage or stormwater management

23 10/16/07Page 23 Standards for facilities:  Potable water – 125 gallons per person per day  Wastewater treatment – 62 gallons per person per day  Recreation – 2 acres of neighborhood park land and 2 acres of community park land  Solid waste – 5.3 pounds per person per day

24 10/16/07Page 24  Roads  US 41 from Powell north – “maintain and improve”  All other arterial and collector roads – level of service C This means primarily how many trips are allowed compared to how the maximum trips the road can accommodate.

25 10/16/07Page 25  Drainage  Provide for water from a 100-year, 24- hour duration storm  Comply with Water Management District flood control criteria for quantity and quality  Comply with criteria for Outstanding Florida Waters

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