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The Powers of Congress Ms. White. Enumerated Powers in Article I, Section 8 Levy taxes Borrow and spend money Make patent and copyright law Fix weights.

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Presentation on theme: "The Powers of Congress Ms. White. Enumerated Powers in Article I, Section 8 Levy taxes Borrow and spend money Make patent and copyright law Fix weights."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Powers of Congress Ms. White

2 Enumerated Powers in Article I, Section 8 Levy taxes Borrow and spend money Make patent and copyright law Fix weights and measures Regulate interstate and foreign commerce Provide for militia Establish a court system Make bankruptcy laws Establish a national money supply Establish a post office and post roads Establish rules of naturalization Declare war Raise and support an army and navy

3 Necessary and Proper Clause Pass all laws necessary and proper to implement these powers

4 Other Powers Propose amendments to the Constitution or call convention to do so Admit new states Provide for government of D.C. House decides president if no one gets a majority in the Electoral College Senate called for advice and consent of treaties Senate confirms Presidential nominations House impeaches, Senate tries impeached officials

5 Constitutional Limitations on Congress 27 th Amendment – Proposed by James Madison in 1787 – Didn’t pass until 1992 – As the 200 th anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights approached, a graduate student learned that this amendment hadn’t been approved and didn’t have a time limit. He started a movement to get the law passed and it worked – Congress can’t pass a pay raise that takes effect until an election of the House has passed

6 Functions of Congress Lawmaking Service to constituents – Case work – Pork Barreling – Getting Re-Elected Representation Oversight Public Education Conflict resolution How money is spent

7 How Money is Spent—”Power of the Purse” Money bills originate in the House Congress requires that President prepares and submits budget to Congress for approval Office of Management and Budget reviews each agency’s budget request and prepares a budget for the President Congress reviews submitted budget and determines budget resolutions

8 Budget Resolutions First resolution establishes the overall budget spending Second resolution contains a budget for each government agency Congress often doesn’t meet its deadline and passes temporary laws calling a continuing resolution to keep the government running until the budget is agreed upon

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