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No warm-up; we will have a cool-down instead. Instead, get out the Excerpt from Chapter 1 of The Picture of Dorian Grey.  Choose one small piece of imagery.

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Presentation on theme: "No warm-up; we will have a cool-down instead. Instead, get out the Excerpt from Chapter 1 of The Picture of Dorian Grey.  Choose one small piece of imagery."— Presentation transcript:

1 No warm-up; we will have a cool-down instead. Instead, get out the Excerpt from Chapter 1 of The Picture of Dorian Grey.  Choose one small piece of imagery that really stood out to you (3-8 words should do it). 1) Write it down. 2) What type of imagery is it? 3) What mood is created from it and how? I’ll stamp your annotations as you 2rite down your imagery selection.`

2  Bring your textbook tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday.  Homework:  Any make-up work from August and the first week of September will be due by Wednesday; check Infinite Campus!  You may want to study your imagery notes tonight; possible quiz tomorrow.  Detail work…  Remember: Thoughts/emotions are not detail!  Paragraph format is good, but explain how you come to your conclusions!

3 Reading 3.7: Recognize and understand the significance of various literary devices, including figurative language, imagery, allegory, and symbolism, and explain their appeal.

4  You task: create an imagery poem!  Each group member will share his/her imagery passage. Even if more than one person has the same imagery passage, it should still be read.  Try to figure out what order the different selections of imagery would be best put-together if the passages were being read out loud, one at a time.  Arrange people– first to last– depending on how these pieces of imagery should be read.  When your group is called, you have each person recite their phrase of imagery in a way that makes it sound like a poem.  Best group wins bragging rights!

5  Now, let’s continue our study of imagery by preparing to read “On The Rainy River”  Turn to page 627 of your textbook.  Can I have a volunteer to read “Build Background”?

6 Cool-down: Soon we are going to hear the a story, told in first person point-of-view, of a man who was faced with two choices: A) Should he fight in a war that he doesn’t believe in, because he was drafted? B) Should he flee the country, despite the public shame that it will cause? For your cool-down, discuss your opinions about having a draft for war: 1. Should we draft able-bodied, young men to war? If so, why? If not, why not? 2. Should women be included in the draft? Why or why not?

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