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Interpersonal Skills Personal Characteristics in Interpersonal Relationships Amy Jean Vivian.

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2 Interpersonal Skills Personal Characteristics in Interpersonal Relationships Amy Jean Vivian

3 Content Personal Characteristics Values  How Values are formed? Activities Healthy Vs Unhealthy Values Conclusion Questions & Answers

4 Personal Characteristics  Interpersonal Skills & Values

5 What are Values? What you believe in & prize ∵ People have unique belief systems  same event triggered different reactions among people

6 How Values are formed? By the need to be loved and approved of family & parents By the need to feel belonging and approval from peers By the need for emotional and physical well-being

7 Family & Parents In order to feel safe and cared  adopted beliefs & values from them. e.g. How to work How to handle anger, mistakes & pain How self-reliant one should be What are the proper goals in life What one can & cannot talk about …

8 Family & Parents Sometimes, in order to please family & parents, people may have to accept negative labels, e.g. Selfish Stupid weak lazy

9 Peers ∵ Peer acceptance  learn to live by rules & beliefs governing such areas, e.g. How to act with opposite sex How to handle aggression How much to reveal …

10 Emotional & Physical well-being Need for self-esteem Need to protect yourself from painful emotions, e.g. hurts or loss Need for pleasure, excitement & meaning Need to feel physically safe

11 Activities

12 Healthy Vs Unhealthy Values

13 Healthy Values 1.Flexible 2.Owed 3.Realistic 4.Life-enhancing Unhealthy Values 1.Rigid 2.Introjected 3.Unrealistic 4.Life-restricting

14 1.Healthy values are flexible Allow for exceptions which circumstances warrant Include a built-in awareness = certain percentage of time you will fail to live up to ideal standard

15 1.Unhealthy values are rigid Unbending & university applied Often include words like never, always, all, totally, perfectly… No quota system = does not include built-in awareness

16 2.Healthy values are owed Critically examined the rule for living & it still makes sense to you

17 2.Unhealthy values are introjected Accept parental values without determining how well they fit your own unique circumstances, personality, & needs Unquestioning acceptance of rules, e.g.buying a car without a test drive

18 3.Healthy values are Realistic Based on assessment of +ve vs –ve consequences Promote behavior that leads to +ve outcomes = purpose of value Why you need to follow it?  Answer: in your experience these values guides you toward a way of living that feels good

19 3.Unhealthy values are unrealistic Have nothing to do with “outcomes” Absolute & global Prescribe behavior because it is “right” & “good”

20 4.Healthy values are life-enhancing Account your basic needs as a human being Flexibility to pursue your emotional, sexual. Intellectual, and recreational needs Encourage you to do what is nourishing & supportive

21 4.Unhealthy values: life-restricting Diminish or narrow your living Feeling depleted by self-sacrifice

22 Conclusion Values are what you believe & in prize. Everyone will have different values. Values are mostly affected by family, peers & emotional. Values: Healthy & Unhealthy

23 Any Questions??

24 End of Presentation Thank You

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