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5 Formative Assessment Tools for Any Classroom Page.

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Presentation on theme: "5 Formative Assessment Tools for Any Classroom Page."— Presentation transcript:

1 5 Formative Assessment Tools for Any Classroom Page

2 Page: Presentations Invite word: strategies

3 Opinionaire Formative assessments need to be written. Formative assessments need to graded. Formative assessments need to be recorded in my grade book. Formative assessments should occur once or twice during the unit. I don’t really have a clue what a formative assessment is or what its purpose is!


5 Dylan Wiliam’s Types of Formative Assessment Long-cycle After units, quarters, trimesters, etc. Length: four weeks to one year Medium-cycle During and between content units Length: one to four weeks Short-cycle During and between lessons Length: day-by-day: 24 to 48 hours minute- by-minute: 5 seconds to 2 hours

6 Formative Assessments can be: Quick Easy to check Informal Helpful for deciding what to teach next

7 One Sentence Summary Abolitionists wanted to end slavery Mitosis =

8 Two Minute Summary You have two minutes to list all of the prime numbers you can think of: Two minutes to make a Venn diagram comparing Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn.

9 Exit Slip or Ticket Out the Door 3 things I know so well I could teach them: 2 things I still have questions about: 1 thing I’m going to do to find answers to my questions:

10 Hinge Questions What concepts does the learning hinge on? Write questions focusing on these hinge concepts. Use them about halfway through lesson.

11 ABCD Cards Each student has a set Hinge question on screen with 4 possible responses--A, B,C, D Students hold up their answers Teacher queries why this or that answer was chosen

12 Individual White Boards ・ Students respond on their white boards ・ Teacher can easily scan room ・ Responses can go beyond A, B, C, D

13 Which of these are compound sentences? Hold up your ABCD cards: A. Sandy went to the store and bought some candy. B. Sandy went to the store and, he bought some candy. C. Sandy went to the store; he bought some candy. D. Sandy went to the store, and he bought some candy.

14 You want to check for understanding of factoring Thank you George Tucker (Maine DOE) for this example. Is 2 3 a factor of 80? 50-50 chance of getting the correct answer without understanding factoring.

15 Tell me whether 2 3 is a factor of 80 by showing me on your white board: 2 3 factors of 80 Better Choice! 2 x 2 x 2

16 Why did the dinosaurs become extinct? (Dylan William's example) A)Humans destroyed their habitat B)Humans killed them all for food C) There was a major change in climate

17 Write 3 words/phrases that indicate the mood of this poem. WILD SWANS I looked in my heart while the wild swans went over. And what did I see I had not seen before? Only a question less or a question more; Nothing to match the flight of wild birds flying. Tiresome heart, forever living and dying, House without air, I leave you and lock your door. Wild swans, come over the town, come over The town again, trailing your legs and crying!

18 Write 2 characteristics on your white board that exemplify the Impressionist Period.

19 Stoplight (Dylan Wiliam When peer editing students use red, yellow, and green dots: green dots to indicate which parts of the piece are meeting the standards described in the rubric yellow dots to show which parts are close but still need some work red ones to mark those sections which areas do not meet standards.* Students also jot down or share suggestions for improvement.

20 Criteria for a good LEAD Hooks the reader Gives an idea about content Rich vocabulary Grammatically correct "I had to hit him, Miss! He was messin' with me!" "What did he say?” "Nothin'! He was lookin' at me, Miss!" If this incident is familiar to you, then you have encountered the hidden rules of generational poverty. Quite simply, one rule is that non-verbal communication is much more important than verbal communication. A second rule is that physical fighting is often necessary for survival.

21 Small group brain drain: Chart paper and markers at each table Students list (words and/or images) everything they can recall from lesson Students underline the three most important ideas Students reflect on WHY they think something is important!

22 “Assessment for learning is any assessment for which the first priority in its design and practice is to serve the purpose of promoting pupils’ learning. It thus differs from assessment designed primarily to serve the purposes of accountability, or of ranking, or of certifying competence. An assessment activity can help learning if it provides information to be used as feedback, by teachers, and by their pupils, in assessing themselves and each other, to modify the teaching and learning activities in which they are engaged.Such assessment becomes “formative assessment” when the evidence is actually used to adapt the teaching work to meet learning needs.” Paul Black et al., 2002 quoted by Dylan Wiliam

23 Opinionaire Formative assessments need to be written. Formative assessments need to graded. Formative assessments need to be recorded in my grade book. Formative assessments should occur once or twice during the unit. I don’t really have a clue what a formative assessment is or what its purpose is!

24 One last word: In research study after research study, student learning and achievement comes down to one thing.... The teacher and the quality of his or her teaching

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