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Collaborative Decision Making ICS - BCERMS. The British Columbia Emergency Response Management System The British Columbia Emergency Response Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Collaborative Decision Making ICS - BCERMS. The British Columbia Emergency Response Management System The British Columbia Emergency Response Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaborative Decision Making ICS - BCERMS

2 The British Columbia Emergency Response Management System The British Columbia Emergency Response Management System (BCERMS) is a comprehensive management scheme that ensures a coordinated and organized provincial response and recovery to any and all emergency incidents. BCERMS has adopted the Incident Command System (ICS) as its site standard.

3 BCERMS ICS Response Goals 1. Provide for the safety and health of all responders 2. Save lives 3. Reduce suffering 4. Protect public health 5. Protect government infrastructure 6. Protect property 7. Protect the environment 8. Reduce economic and social losses

4 BCERMS Response Levels ICS principles are used at all levels mergency I ncident C ommand P ost E mergency O perations C entre P rovincial R egional E mergency O perations C entre P rovincial E C oordination C entre PECC PREOC EOC ICP Provincial Central Coordination Level Provincial Regional Coordination Level Site Support Site LEVELS FACILITIES

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