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Admission to over- subscribed schools – a review of the options Laura Lundy Graduate School of Education Queen’s University, Belfast October 28 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Admission to over- subscribed schools – a review of the options Laura Lundy Graduate School of Education Queen’s University, Belfast October 28 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Admission to over- subscribed schools – a review of the options Laura Lundy Graduate School of Education Queen’s University, Belfast October 28 2003

2 The Legal, Human Rights and Equality Framework Domestic legal requirements International human rights law The statutory equality duty New Targetting Social Need

3 Acceptable admissions criteria Siblings Eldest child Children of staff Compelling individual circumstances Catchment area

4 Unacceptable criteria Attendance/behavioural requirements Interviews Date of enrolment Relations who have previously attended the school

5 Criteria which need careful consideration Order of parental preference Contributory schools Specialist abilities

6 Key issues which need to be addressed How might pupils be selected down to the last available place? How might the system address issues of socio-economic inequality?

7 Implementation issues Should there be a set of mandatory criteria or range of options? Who should apply the criteria? Should the criteria be reviewed by a central/local admissions body?

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