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Nineteen Years of Summer Programs for Women in Mathematics at GWU Murli M. Gupta, Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Nineteen Years of Summer Programs for Women in Mathematics at GWU Murli M. Gupta, Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nineteen Years of Summer Programs for Women in Mathematics at GWU Murli M. Gupta, Director

2 SPWM  Started in 1995. Operated continuously for 19 years!  Brought 298 students to GW  Read more than 2200 applications over 19 year period

3 SPWM Accomplishments  106 finished PhD and MS degrees  More than 95 are in graduate schools right now.

4 SPWM Accomplishments  40 are in faculty and postdoctoral positions  50 are in industry and government  16 are teaching in high schools

5 SPWM: Why?  To improve the infrastructure, i.e.,  To increase the number of women in academia, industry and government Success!

6 SPWM: Why?  To show women the variety of career options available after BA/BS– outside of high school teaching Success!

7 SPWM: Why? To show women that graduate school was not beyond them and they can succeed in graduate school Look Around Success!

8 SPWM: Why? To create a network where our participants (and others) can consult each other and lean on one another as needed Again, Look Around Success!

9 SPWM Thanks to NSA for their generous support these 19 years

10 SPWM Thank you everyone We have had a great run!!

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