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Do Now! ► From our discussions so far do you agree or disagree with Imperialism? Why or Why not?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now! ► From our discussions so far do you agree or disagree with Imperialism? Why or Why not?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now! ► From our discussions so far do you agree or disagree with Imperialism? Why or Why not?

2 US Expansion in Latin America

3 U.S. Expansion—Latin America ► Spain gives up control of Cuba—US gets Puerto Rico and Guam ► (Philippines—Annexed in 1899 after fierce debate)

4 Governing New Territories ► Military governments are set up in Cuba and Puerto Rico  US troops will be removed from Cuba only if Platt Amendment is added to its constitution  Cuba is really a protectorate now instead of an independent country ► What does this mean?

5 Governing new territories continued… ► Puerto Rico—ruled as a territory  Foraker Act—governor and one house in their legislature appointed by the United States ► How will this influence Puerto Rican policy/affairs?  (1952 Puerto Rico becomes a self-governing commonwealth)

6 The Panama Canal (built between 1904 and 1914) ► Previously took several weeks to travel around South America  Why is the United States traveling around South America often? ► Panama was a part of Colombia  Roosevelt wants to rent canal area for $250,000 a year ► Colombia holds out for a better price  Roosevelt supports a revolution in Panama ► Becomes an independent country (1903) ► US gets total control of canal area ► “I took the Canal Zone and let Congress debate”-Roosevelt  What was Roosevelt’s attitude toward US expansion?

7 The Monroe Doctrine (1823) ► Basically casts US as protector of Western Hemisphere ► Not really enforced until Presidents Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson

8 The Roosevelt Corollary (1904) ► Added to protect the Dominican Republic  Dominicans owe money to European lenders  Roosevelt fears forced will be used by Europe to get that money ► Why would he be so interested in Protecting the Dominican Republic?

9 ► TR’s philosophy  “Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far”-West African proverb ► What does this mean?

10 Dollar Diplomacy—William H. Taft ► “substitute dollars for bullets” ► Economic influence rather than military force ► Replace European loans in Latin America with American ones

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