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- Sociology Portfolio - Race and Ethnic Relations By: Natalie Ormond.

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Presentation on theme: "- Sociology Portfolio - Race and Ethnic Relations By: Natalie Ormond."— Presentation transcript:

1 - Sociology Portfolio - Race and Ethnic Relations By: Natalie Ormond

2 Table of Contents Research Article…3 Chart…4 Research Article 2…5 Chart 2…6 Book Review…7-9 Reflection…10-11

3 Research Article – Topic Disability and Social Problems with the Elderly The major social issue that this article address's with elderly people is depression. The day to day problems that elderly deal with retirement, death of loved ones, increased isolation, medial problems all can cause depression. Depression effects your mood but also energy, sleep, appetite, and physical health. They talked about how depression almost is an inevitable part of aging. I mean really no one enjoys getting old and having all these problems. Another problem that this article addresses with depression with the elderly is the self medication with alcohol. A lot of elderly use alcohol to take their mind off their problems and to help them feel less lonely. Alcohol in the long run actually make depression worse and impairs the way your brain functions. I never really thought that this was a problem with the elderly. I thought it was more of a problem with younger people, and homeless people.

4 Elderly With Depression This chart is measured in percentage. The percentage of Men and Women who have Depression. Over all it shows that the percentage of Women is much higher the majority of time for depression Men have a lower rate of Depression than Women in the Elderly age group. It shows that there is s trend of going up the older you get the more likely you are to have depression This just shows the social issue in the Elderly age group of depression. It also shows that there is a relatively high rate of repression from the age 65 and older.

5 Research Article – Topic Puerto Rican Immigrants continues-at-record-pace.php continues-at-record-pace.php studies/story-us-puerto-ricans-part-one studies/story-us-puerto-ricans-part-one I found in this first article and it said that the local population in Puerto Rico is down by 19 thousand residents that immigrated the last census bureau. That is.51 percent of the population of Puerto Rico and is the biggest percentage loss. What I found to be crazier from this was that 1/5 million people would consider leaving the island, and close to 500 thousand plan on moving. In the second article was about immigration back in the 90s. It stated talked about the immigration patterns, not nearly as many as there are now. I can't believe how many have plans of coming to the U.S. There are so many people that want to come here from Puerto Rico.

6 Puerto Rico Immigration The chart on the right is the population of Puerto Ricans and what percentage of the Population are planning to move to the United States. Total population of Puerto Rico is 3,725,789. 45% of the Population are considering moving to the United States. The second cart focuses on that 45 percent. 419,000 of the 1.5 million who are considering moving have actual concrete plans of moving. These charts just show how the population of Puerto Rico is going down and that is because they are wanting to move to the United States. Its interesting to see how many are wanting to move and how many people actually have plans.

7 Book Review I choose to read Women of the Klan Written by Kathleen Bee This was a very interesting book about Women in the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s. I found this book to be very interesting because you normally don’t think of women being a part of gangs, and violence that came with the KKK. The topic that this book helped me understand were two for this semester. One was understanding the racism and when we learned about lynching. The other one was when we learned about women as a minority group. One thing that I really help me understand about this period of time of so much hatred and where a lot of the violence came from. This book pointed out how the men in the KKK. The men used women as examples of showing potential victims. This brought more men to their cause and “inspired” the cause of their clan.

8 Book Review Continued I don’t really agree with how this happened but it makes a lot more sense to why a lot of those men did the things they did. They saw them selves as protecting their wives, and their family. They saw it and were told it was duty to protect others especially the women. Another point that this author made in this book was that the women that were in the KKK were in some ways progressive and feminist. They used it to increase their political power in the early days of women’s suffrage. I never have really thought of this in this aspect. It has a more positive outlook or gave a more understanding of where both parties were coming from. I am glad that I understand a little more of the background of the KKK but I don’t feel like relating the KKK to women feminist and women suffrage is the best thing to do. There was a lot of bad that came out of it and I have such great feelings about the women of the women suffrage movement. I disagreed with a lot of what was said in the book, but I am glad I read it to be more well rounded and come from a little more understanding.

9 Book Review Summary I am glad that I understand a little more of the background of the KKK but I don’t feel like relating the KKK to women feminist and women suffrage is the best thing to do. There was a lot of bad that came out of it and I have such great feelings about the women of the women suffrage movement. I disagreed with a lot of what was said in the book, but I am glad I read it to be more well rounded and come from a little more understanding.

10 Reflection I really liked this class. Its main focus from what I could tell was that we learned a lot about different minority groups in the United States. We took time each week to learn about these different minority groups. These groups didn’t only consist of race but minorities such as Women, Disabled, Elderly, Immigrants, Religious groups as well as nationality and race minorities. It was very interesting to see all the different points of views and all the different minority groups. I never really thought of women, elderly, and religious really a minority group. This class did a very good job of pointing out the problems these groups are having to face, how they are discriminated against and how the problems continue or have been fixed.

11 Reflection Continued Over all I really found this class to be eye opening. I know that there is discrimination in the United States of America but I didn’t know that it was this much and that there were so many problems. I really makes me start to look at things that I see in the news and in other aspects of life with a more understanding heart and an open mind. I really don’t have different views but now I have a little more knowledge of what has been going on, than I have a more of an open mind to hear others opinions. I think a lot of problems in our world could be avoided if we came with a more understanding heart and an open mind; even just with the knowledge of what others are going through. I think this is a great class for anyone to take especially in Utah where it doesn’t seem like there is of high as diversity.

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