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语音与正音 邯郸学院外国语学院 《语音与正音》四级课题组 后鼻音 [ŋ]. Brief Introduction Nasal Consonants 3 I. How to pronounce it?II. Spelling and Sound ng---thing, sing an, un, on---

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Presentation on theme: "语音与正音 邯郸学院外国语学院 《语音与正音》四级课题组 后鼻音 [ŋ]. Brief Introduction Nasal Consonants 3 I. How to pronounce it?II. Spelling and Sound ng---thing, sing an, un, on---"— Presentation transcript:

1 语音与正音 邯郸学院外国语学院 《语音与正音》四级课题组 后鼻音 [ŋ]

2 Brief Introduction Nasal Consonants 3 I. How to pronounce it?II. Spelling and Sound ng---thing, sing an, un, on--- angle, uncle, monkey [ŋ]

3 Listening & Speaking Nasal Consonants 3 [ŋ] 1.sing ring thing king wing sang rang hang hung song sung bang ping-pong /ŋiŋ / singing ringing hanging banging bringing stringing clinging /ŋg / longer longest stronger strongest younger youngest finger anger angry hunger angle single England language singular /ŋk / bank sank drank thank rank ink sink drink wink link sunk monk drunk monkey ankle uncle anchor /nd ʒ / strange stranger range arrange lounge manger danger ginger

4 Listening & Speaking Nasal Consonants 3 [ŋ] 2. / n—ŋ / 对比 ton—tongue / sin—sing / win—wing / kin—king / tan—tang / ban—bang / bun—bung / pin—ping / thin—thing 3. sing a song / hang the ring / a long string / a strange king / a strange song / a young singer / an angry monkey / a strange language / a strong drink / the English language / an English song 4. Bring those things in and hang them up. / They rang the bells to welcome the king. / I think she lost her ring at the banquet. / The spring brings many charming things. / They were singing and shouting, not giving thought to the noise they were making.

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