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Molecular Formulas & Relative Atomic Mass The Use of Avogadro’s Hypothesis.

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1 Molecular Formulas & Relative Atomic Mass The Use of Avogadro’s Hypothesis

2 Avogadro’s Hypothesis (1811) Equal volumes of gases contain equal numbers of particles.

3 Water’s Formula Two volumes of hydrogen combine with precisely one of oxygen. This meant water’s molecular formula was H 2 O. Molecular formula – how elements combine and in what ratios to form compounds.

4 The Mole Mole = an amount of a substance Another way to measure atoms 2 moles of H combine with 1 mole of O to form 1 mole of water

5 Relative Atomic Mass Avogadro’s hypothesis also provided a way of determining relative atomic masses. H atom – relative mass of 1 O atom – relative mass of 16 O atoms weighed 16 times that of H atoms.

6 By 1860, a list of 60-some elements had been developed including their…  Properties  Relative atomic masses  Known molecular formulas that they formed It was found that…  Oxygen usually combined with 2 atoms of another element  Nitrogen with 3  Carbon with 4

7 The Periodic Table Dmitri Mendeleev tried to make sense of this list & organize all the elements into a useful table. But, it was no easy task.

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