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PowerPoint Presentation by Kathleen Feeney Revised November 2015.

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1 PowerPoint Presentation by Kathleen Feeney Revised November 2015

2 A research database contains reliable, accurate, and authoritative information gathered together in one place, and provides convenient and quick access to the information. In Research Databases you will find:  articles from popular and scholarly magazines  articles from local, national and international newspapers  articles from reference books such as encyclopedias  photographs, both current and historical  primary documents  television and radio broadcasts and transcripts  images and videos  maps and charts  company financial information  literature, including poems, short stories, essays, speeches and plays  literary criticism, including plot summaries, synopses, and author interviews  book reviews, book lists and discussion guides  biographies of current and historical individuals, including authors  and much more!

3 The Gale Publishing online reference databases accessed through the Massachusetts Libraries website are funded by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts through the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners and the Massachusetts Library System with state funding and IMLS funds. As residents of Massachusetts, our state taxes help fund this resource. If Scituate High School Library had to pay for a subscription for all of the databases listed in this presentation, it would cost the SHS Library more than $10,000. annually.

4 The enormous volume and uneven quality of information on the Internet can make finding exactly what you need a very frustrating experience. Research databases provide information that has been reviewed and edited by experts, and comes from reliable, authoritative, up-to-date published sources. Anyone can publish information, ideas and opinions on the Internet regardless of expertise. Results from a Google search, therefore, may include incorrect information from unreliable sources. In addition, Google results are ranked by commercial value (companies pay to have their links placed at the top of the results) and popularity (how many pages link to a particular page). Search options in Research Databases include Keyword, Subject, Author, Magazine Title, Date, etc. Results are organized, can be refined, and may also include suggested related subjects or help in narrowing your topic. Citation information to create a bibliography is provided in the database. Research databases count as print sources if they are digital versions of previously published content.

5 Build a bank of related words and concepts to use as search terms as you research your topic: TOPICRELATED KEYWORDS European UnionEuropa Euro World Trade Angela Merkel European Council European Coal and Steel Community Member States Copenhagen Criteria European Parliament European Commission Brussels NOTE: Continually revise your Keyword list: cross off words that don’t lead you to the information you’re researching and add words that get the results you are looking for.

6 Go to: Enter library card number: 21637000234579 On the right side of the screen see SEARCH OUR LIBRARY RESOURCES Type a search term or phrase in the box and click on Search (I typed the phrase “European Union”)

7 When the Results list comes up make sure the “full text” box on the right is checked (under the word Filters). This is the first page of 202,422 results for the search term “European Union” in Magazines. There are also many results from other categories (e.g., Academic Journals; Books; News; Images; Videos; Audios, etc.) (See right side of screen) Click on the article link to see the full-text of the article.


9 See the following slides for all of the individual databases available on this site.


11 GALE Publishing Databases Academic OneFile Academic OneFile is the premier source for peer-reviewed, full-text articles from the world’s leading journals and reference sources with extensive coverage of the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and other subjects. Academic OneFile is both authoritative and comprehensive. With millions of articles available in both PDF and HTML full-text with no restrictions, researchers are able to find accurate information quickly. General OneFile A one-stop source for news and periodical articles on a wide range of topics: business, computers, current events, economics, education, environmental issues, health care, hobbies, humanities, law, literature and art, politics, science, social science, sports, technology, and many general interest topics. Millions of full-text articles, many with images. Available in both PDF and HTML full-text. Biography in Context Biography in Context is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on the world’s most influential people and includes periodicals and multimedia organized into a user-friendly portal experience while also giving users the ability to search for people based on name, occupation, nationality, ethnicity, birth/death dates and places, and gender as well as keyword and full-text. Business Collection Provides coverage of all business disciplines, including accounting, economics, finance, marketing management and strategy as well as business theory and practice. Criminal Justice Collection Provides access to academic journals and magazines on topics in criminal justice and related fields. Key subjects covered in the databases include law, law enforcement, security and terrorism. Culinary Arts Collection The Culinary Arts Collection includes 150 of the major cooking and nutrition magazines and academic journals. Coverage includes thousands of searchable recipes, restaurant reviews, and industry information. Educator’s Reference Complete Educator’s Reference Complete is a selection of more than 450 full-text academic journals, hundreds of full-text reports, and many premier reference sources. Included content focuses on educational principles, child development and psychology, and best practices in education. Majority of the full-text articles included are also found in the ERIC database. Environmental Studies and Policy Collection Provides access to scholarly journals, magazines, and other reference sources covering environmental issues and policies, including diverse perspectives from the scientific community, governmental policy makers, as well as corporate interests.

12 Expanded Academic ASAP From arts and the Humanities to social sciences, science and technology, this database meets research needs across all academic disciplines. Access scholarly journals, news magazines, and newspapers – many with full-text and images! Gale Virtual Reference Library Gale Virtual Reference library is a database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research. These reference materials once were accessible only in the library, but now you can access them online from the library or remotely 24/7. Because each library creates its own eBook collection, the content you see may vary if you use the database at different libraries (your school or your public library or your office). Gardening, Landscape and Horticulture Collection Provides access to academic journals and magazines focused on both the practical aspects as well as the scientific theory of horticulture studies. The database offers biotechnologists, farmers, hobbyists, and landscape architects alike, access to important content relative to their pursuits. General Reference Center Gold Provides access to magazines, newspapers, trade publications, and reference books through one easy interface. This general interest database offers the latest content covering current events, popular culture, business and industry trends, the arts and sciences, sports, hobbies, and more. Global Issues in Context offers international viewpoints on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that bring together a variety of specially selected, highly relevant sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Each of these gateway pages includes an overview, unique “perspectives” articles written by local experts, reference, periodical, primary source and statistical information. Rich multimedia – including podcasts, video, and interactive graphs – enhance each portal. Use Browse Issues and Topics, Country Finder, Basic Search or Advanced Search to explore the database. Health Reference Center Academic Provides access to medical and professional periodicals, health and fitness magazines, and reference books and pamphlets. The database is designed for both nursing and allied health students as well as consumer health researchers. The material contained in this database is for informational purposes only. Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Collection Provides access to scholarly journals, magazines, and trade publications that cover topics including the cultural and economic aspects of travel and tourism. The database offers current and relevant content that provides well-rounded coverage of both the historical and current state of affairs in the hospitality and tourism industries.

13 Massachusetts History Online Contains full-text articles gathered from almost 50 sources that directly relate to Massachusetts history. The New York Times Search the full-text of the New York Times (starting in 1985). Nursing and Allied Health Collection Provides access to academic journals and other reference content covering all aspects of the nursing profession, from direct patient care to health care administration. The database offers current and authoritative content for professionals already working in the field as well as students pursuing a nursing-focused curriculum. Opposing Viewpoints in Context Opposing viewpoints in context is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information and opinions on hundreds of today’s hottest social issues. Drawing on the acclaimed Greenhaven Press series, the solution features continuously updated viewpoints, topic overviews, full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, statistics, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites organized into a user-friendly portal experience. Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Collection Provides access to academic journals, and magazines covering the fields of fitness and sports. The database offers a wide spectrum of information, including proven treatment techniques, experimental research, and more. Science in Context Science in Context is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on hundreds of today’s most significant science topics. The solution merges Gale’s authoritative reference content with full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, experiments, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites organized into a user-friendly portal experience. Student Edition InfoTrac Student Edition provides high school students with access to magazines, newspapers, books, and other reference content. The database offers audience-appropriate information on current events, the arts, science, popular culture, health, people, government, history, sports, and more.

14 U.S. History in Context U.S. History in Context is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on hundreds of the most significant people, events, and topics in U.S. History. The new solution merges Gale’s authoritative reference content with full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites organized into a user-friendly portal experience. Vocations and Careers Collection Provides access to journals and magazines that aid users in researching a vocation, finding an appropriate institution of learning, job searching, and maintaining a career. The database offers current and applicable content from general career guides to highly specialized industry journals. World History in Context World History in Context is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on hundreds of the most significant people, events, and topics in World History. This database merges Gale’s authoritative reference content with full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites organized into a user-friendly portal experience. Literature e-Book Collection Cross-search e-Books, providing bibliographical historical and social contexts to the subject of literature. Additional Products Artemis Literary Sources Integrates full-text literary content with metadata and subject indexing and provides workflow tools to analyze information. You can research authors and their works, literary movements and genres. Search across your library’s Literature databases to find full-text of literary works, journal articles, literature criticism, reviews, biographical information and overviews.

15 Books & Authors Books & Authors offers new ways to explore the endless possibilities and combinations of books, authors, genres, and topics. Combining over 140,000 titles, 50,000 authors, and thousands of read-alike award winner and librarian’s favorites lists. Books & Authors helps bring readers and literature together. Through the use of expertly written and arranged content and a dynamic, cutting edge user interface, Books & Authors makes exploration of genre fiction and essential non-fiction fun! By leveraging our entire award-winning What Do I Read Next? collection, patrons and students alike can be sure that their next big read comes with a BIG recommendation. Business Insights: Essentials Business Insights: Essentials combines all of the content formerly found in Business & Company Resource Center with a new interface designed around the research goals and workflows of your diverse business research community. Easily find information on companies, industries, and more in the context of timely news, statistical data, and in- depth reports. Health and Wellness Resource Center Use this Resource Center to find magazines, newspapers, journals, definitions, directories, videos, and reference information on: Medicine, Nutrition, Diseases, Public Health, Pregnancy, Prescription Drugs, etc. Included are links to diet, cancer, health assessment sites, and government databases. Easily access 700+ videos from Healthology, Inc.’s consumer health video library. Spanish-language videos are available. The material contained in this Resource Center is intended for informational purposes only. Kids InfoBits Kids InfoBits is the perfect educational product for today’s young learners. It’s a content-rich, authoritative, easy-to- use resource featuring age-appropriate content covering a broad range of educational topics. It features a modern, graphical interface, great new content from trusted sources, more intuitive navigation, improved resources, and much more. Literature Resource Center-LRC Find up-to-date biographical information, overviews, full-text literary criticism and reviews on more than 130,000 writers in all disciplines, from all time periods and from around the world. The optional MLA International Bibliography module adds citations for hundreds of thousands of books, articles, and dissertations from 1926 to the present, linked to full-text where available.

16 Nursing Resource Center Designed for nursing students, the Nursing Resource Center brings together in an easy-to-use interface disease and drug overviews, care plans, relevant journal results and animated anatomy and physiology diagrams to complement the core encyclopedia texts. The information is written in accessible language for students completing class assignments and preparing for clinicals as they learn how to care for and treat patients. Search results are returned in tabs that correspond to steps in the nursing process. Research in Context Created specifically for middle-schoolers. Research in Context combines the best of Gale’s reference content with age-appropriate videos, newspapers, magazines, primary sources, and much more. Students will find outstanding support to complete assignments in core subjects including literature, science, social studies, and history.

17 These online resources along with our other online and print resources at the Scituate High School Library enable students and staff members to do comprehensive research on almost any topic. These databases can be accessed 24/7 from any school, home, office, or dorm computer. When not in the library access the databases as described in slide 6 of this presentation. NOTE: Some databases may require you to enter your Massachusetts town, city, or college library card number to gain access if you are not in the library. If requested for a patron ID, barcode, or other ID number or name, type in your 14 digit library card number with no spaces.

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