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Everyday Mathematics Parent Night

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Presentation on theme: "Everyday Mathematics Parent Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Everyday Mathematics Parent Night
Meadowlark Elementary School First Grade

2 A day in the life of a Meadowlark First Grader….
A Full Hour of Mathematics Instruction!!!

3 Getting Started (10-15 minutes)
Calendar Days of the Week Months of the Year Weather/Temperature Mental Math & Reflexes Unison counting or review with slates Home Link Follow-Up

4 1. Teaching the Lesson (20 minutes)
During this time of math instruction, we are learning the new “information” for the day. Most of the instruction will be in a whole- group setting and we usually teach a new game that is then practiced.

5 2. Ongoing Learning and Practice (20 minutes)
During this block of time, students will usually independently play a math game that was previously taught or they will complete a journal page independently.

6 3. Differentiation Options
As the name suggests, this part of the lesson is optional. Normally, we do not have enough time to get to this section of the lesson, but if we do this is a time when small groups meet together to work on specific tasks.

7 Your part…The Home Link: An integral part of reinforcing math instruction
A home link is sent home on each day that we complete a full lesson. We normally reserve Fridays for review and more time for math games, so you will not normally receive a home link to complete over the weekend. Unless otherwise stated, your child should be able to complete most of his/her home link independently, but we suggest that you “supervise” your child to ensure that the home link is completed.

8 Math Games that we have learned so far this year…
Monster Squeeze Students learn the concept of “greater than” and “less than.” Penny Dice Game Students build number sense by rolling a dice and take that number of pennies. Bunny Hop Students learn the process of counting on and counting back

9 Math Games, continued Top It
Students build number sense by learning to recognize which number is larger.

10 Questions? If you have any questions, feel free to ask me tonight or any other time! This curriculum is new to me as well, but I will try to answer your questions to the best of my knowledge and recent research. Thanks!

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