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COM 633: Content Analysis Variables Kimberly A. Neuendorf, Ph.D. Cleveland State University Fall 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "COM 633: Content Analysis Variables Kimberly A. Neuendorf, Ph.D. Cleveland State University Fall 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 COM 633: Content Analysis Variables Kimberly A. Neuendorf, Ph.D. Cleveland State University Fall 2010

2 Critical Variables “Those features that are vital to a comprehensive understanding of (a) the message pool (b) in the specific medium” (p. 96) under investigation. e.g., Shot length and type in MTV study

3 Selecting Variables 1. Universal variables 2. Theory and past research 3. Grounded or “emergent” process 4. Medium-specific critical variables

4 Universal Variables Variables that may be applied to all stimuli (i.e., characteristics that transcend stimuli) NO master list exists

5 Universal Variables Osgood, Suci, & Tannenbaum (1957) Good-Bad (Evaluation) Strong-Weak (Potency) Active-Passive (Activity)

6 Universal Variables Marks’ (1978) Unity of the Senses Extension Intensity Brightness Quality (Duration)

7 Universal Variables Berlyne’s (1971) Aesthetic Universals Novelty Uncertainty & surprisingness [Subjective] Complexity Relationships among 1-3 (e.g., interaction between 1 & 3)

8 Grounded/Emergent Variable Identification See pages 103-104 of book e.g., Lato study of MySpace Music e.g., Lindmark study of promotional content in video games e.g., Romano study of themes in parenting style descriptions

9 Medium-Specific Critical Variables A troubled area of inquiry! It was difficult to define a given “medium” even in the 1950s-1970s (see Bretz, 1971; “we must choose some artificial means of classification”)... It’s almost impossible now! What to do?

10 Hypotheses and Research Questions The difference? Let’s discuss. Conceptual definitions and Operational definitions Their matching is one type of validity— Internal validity (Carmines & Zeller)

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