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Buddhism “Noble Truths” “Noble Truths” (meaning of life) 1. Our life is full of suffering 1. Our life is full of suffering 2. Our own selfish wishes.

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2 Buddhism

3 “Noble Truths” “Noble Truths” (meaning of life) 1. Our life is full of suffering 1. Our life is full of suffering 2. Our own selfish wishes cause this suffering 3. We stop suffering when we stop being jealous, greedy, and selfish. 4. We can stop wishing for more.

4 The Noble Eightfold Way 1.Right Views 2.Right Intention 3.Right Speech 4.Right Action 5.Right Livelihood 6.Right Effort 7.Right Mindfulness 8.Right Concentration

5 Buddha believed in reincarnation. One would suffer life until they reached a point where they no longer desired. At this point they would reach Nirvana – the end of death, rebirth and suffering.

6 Other Beliefs of Buddha Buddha believed in reincarnation and the concept of Karma. The teachings of Buddha are known as Sutras. Buddhist study and sometime chant these texts. Many followers of Buddhism refuse to kill an animal or eat meat. Buddha did not believe in the caste system. He treated all people alike. Buddha believed in The Middle Way-a life of moderation

7 Review  Who is the founder of Buddhism?  What is meant by the middle way?  What is reincarnation?  What is Nirvana?  Is Buddhism monotheistic or polytheistic?  Who is the god of Buddhism?

8 Asoka the Great (304 BC – 232 BC) Great warrior that ruled most of India Denounced violence & embraced Buddhism Used missionaries to spread the beliefs of Buddhism throughout Asia & beyond

9 Asoka’s Army

10 Buddhism spread from India into Burma, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Southeast Asia, China, Korea, and Japan. Even though Buddhism stared in India, it has nearly disappeared there today.

11 Jainsim  Founded by Mahavira  Believes that everything in the universe has a soul and should not be harmed, practice nonviolence  Found in India

12 Review  Who is the founder of Jainism?  Where is the religion of Buddhism primarily found today?  How was Buddhism spread?  What are the beliefs of Jainism?

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