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EPA's Environmental Management Guide for Colleges and Universities: A Tool to Promote Sustainability Madeline Snow EMS Service Program, Lowell Center for.

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Presentation on theme: "EPA's Environmental Management Guide for Colleges and Universities: A Tool to Promote Sustainability Madeline Snow EMS Service Program, Lowell Center for."— Presentation transcript:

1 EPA's Environmental Management Guide for Colleges and Universities: A Tool to Promote Sustainability Madeline Snow EMS Service Program, Lowell Center for Sustainable Production, UMass Lowell









10 “An EMS offers a set of problem identification and problem-solving tools that can be implemented by anyone and everyone in a college or university in many different ways. These tools can help you complete projects and meet your goals. A fully implemented EMS integrates your goals into everyday operations, as environmental stewardship becomes part of the daily responsibility for everyone across the entire campus, not just in the environmental or planning department.” Gina Snyder College & University Regional Sector Lead U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region I New England


12 Some tools to help

13 ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS AND IMPACTS RANKING Worksheet AspectRegulatedVolumeToxicity Health Impact NuisanceCostTotal Significant? (aspect considered significant if score is > 12) KEY: 5 = High3 = Medium1 = Low0 = Not applicable

14 Backcasting Worksheet Developed by Zero Waste Alliance, Activity Vision (25 years) 15 years5 years Current Action

15 "EMSs are not extraordinary; they are the alternative to chaos.” Larry Falkin, Deputy Director, Parks and Recreation, Jackson County, Missouri

16 Contact Information Madeline Snow 978-934-4875 Check out Give us a business card or contact info if you would like notice when the Environmental Management Guide for Colleges and Universities is available on-line.

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