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Succeeding in the Classroom. Three Components of Success in Academics / Ability / Attitude / Effort.

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Presentation on theme: "Succeeding in the Classroom. Three Components of Success in Academics / Ability / Attitude / Effort."— Presentation transcript:

1 Succeeding in the Classroom

2 Three Components of Success in Academics / Ability / Attitude / Effort

3 Attitude / Most important thing YOU control when taking on challenges / ALWAYS look for positives; NEVER dwell on negatives / Each class opportunity to succeed / Most important thing YOU control when taking on challenges / ALWAYS look for positives; NEVER dwell on negatives / Each class opportunity to succeed

4 Goals / Two essential elements / Height / Time / Long-Term, Intermediate, and Short-Term Goals / Two essential elements / Height / Time / Long-Term, Intermediate, and Short-Term Goals

5 More About Goals / Write goals down / Viewed Daily / Stored for review / Short-Term Goals / Establish weekly / Long-Term Goals / Examine progress at end of semester

6 Keys to Effectiveness / Take Time to Study / Go to Class, and Be on Time / Make Class Effective / Take Time to Study / Go to Class, and Be on Time / Make Class Effective

7 Taking Time to Study / Time spent studying correlates with performance / Develop study habits and the discipline to spend the time to study

8 Going to Class, Being on Time / Grades reflect class attendance and performance / Skipping class = Missed Information / One hour of missed class is AT LEAST one hour of extra study / Grades reflect class attendance and performance / Skipping class = Missed Information / One hour of missed class is AT LEAST one hour of extra study “Late to Class” Starring Ty Dye, The Typical College Freshmen By: Randy Simpson

9 Making Class Effective / Sit where you can get involved / Prepare for class / Review material day before class / Skim reading / Rereading info / Highlighted info from lecture is important

10 Keeping Up with the Class / Master the material in each course before next course / Concepts build off of one another / May only master a few basic concepts / Course focuses on application of these concepts and for future concepts / Master the material in each course before next course / Concepts build off of one another / May only master a few basic concepts / Course focuses on application of these concepts and for future concepts

11 Take Effective Notes / Record enough information to allow you to look back and reflect / Getting together with classmates helps to compare notes and get different perspectives / Feel free to ask the professor/teacher if you captured the key points of lecture / Record enough information to allow you to look back and reflect / Getting together with classmates helps to compare notes and get different perspectives / Feel free to ask the professor/teacher if you captured the key points of lecture

12 Group Studying / More learning takes place in groups rather than individual studying / Most effective way of learning info is to teach

13 More about Group Studying / Individual Studying may be a struggle / Groups depend on you to show / Have a group that studies effectively / Too large of a group may be too much socialization and not enough studying / One member may explain a particular unknown problem, making life a little simpler / Individual Studying may be a struggle / Groups depend on you to show / Have a group that studies effectively / Too large of a group may be too much socialization and not enough studying / One member may explain a particular unknown problem, making life a little simpler

14 Basic Tips for Group Studying / Prepare individually before meeting / Set expectations on how much preparing / Expectations on what to accomplish / Good place to convene with good conversation and little distraction possible / Hold each other accountable / Prepare individually before meeting / Set expectations on how much preparing / Expectations on what to accomplish / Good place to convene with good conversation and little distraction possible / Hold each other accountable

15 Define a Study Spot / Depends on your learning style and personality / Spots can be different for everyone / Television is a visual distraction Wherever you learn best!

16 Note-Taking Strategies / Skim assigned reading prior to class / Take notes to capture main points, not so many you miss the presentation / Review notes / After class to fill in gaps / With other students / With professor to be sure main points captured / Skim assigned reading prior to class / Take notes to capture main points, not so many you miss the presentation / Review notes / After class to fill in gaps / With other students / With professor to be sure main points captured

17 Test-taking / Taking tests is a skill that needs practice / Ask the instructor how to assemble a practice test / Simulate testing conditions when practicing / Taking tests is a skill that needs practice / Ask the instructor how to assemble a practice test / Simulate testing conditions when practicing God of Test-taking in Tainan, China

18 Taking the Test / Come Prepared / Extra pencils / Calculator working order / Skim over the test before beginning / Ensures you have full test / Plan of attack / Complete easy problems first / Ensures you get credit if time runs out / Come Prepared / Extra pencils / Calculator working order / Skim over the test before beginning / Ensures you have full test / Plan of attack / Complete easy problems first / Ensures you get credit if time runs out

19 Watch the Clock / Running out of time should not prevent you from showing what you know / Look at number of points and time allotted / Allows you to see how long a problem will take / Partial credit awarded by most instructors / Concentrate on high number point questions / Leave time at end to review answers / Caution against changing answers / Running out of time should not prevent you from showing what you know / Look at number of points and time allotted / Allows you to see how long a problem will take / Partial credit awarded by most instructors / Concentrate on high number point questions / Leave time at end to review answers / Caution against changing answers

20 After the Test / Look over the graded test / Answer the missed questions correctly / If you or study group cannot figure out answer, see your instructor for help / Finals cover all year

21 Getting to Know Instructors / Professionals in field you are studying / Teachers can provide references / Professors are in charge of course and can focus study efforts / Answer hard questions not understood / Assign grades / Likely to know employers and provide leads / May be aware of scholarships/other money / Professionals in field you are studying / Teachers can provide references / Professors are in charge of course and can focus study efforts / Answer hard questions not understood / Assign grades / Likely to know employers and provide leads / May be aware of scholarships/other money

22 Keep in Mind / Teachers have spent their careers studying this material / Professors are teachers by choice / Demands on their time / Approach with specific question in mind

23 Well-Rounded = Effective / Life must be in order to be effective / See yourself as a wheel for wellness / Cannot roll with one flat side / Life must be in order to be effective / See yourself as a wheel for wellness / Cannot roll with one flat side

24 Intellectual / Take full advantage of opportunities at institution / Join clubs, organizations unrelated to engineering to remain fresh for core classes / Take full advantage of opportunities at institution / Join clubs, organizations unrelated to engineering to remain fresh for core classes

25 Social / Most students seem to master / Plan time well enough to learn and enjoy this aspect / Friends may provide network later for your professional life / Most students seem to master / Plan time well enough to learn and enjoy this aspect / Friends may provide network later for your professional life

26 Physical / Fitness, Sleep, and Nutrition / Exercise helps you study better / Sleep deprivation reduces productivity / Eating sensible diet will help with success / Fitness, Sleep, and Nutrition / Exercise helps you study better / Sleep deprivation reduces productivity / Eating sensible diet will help with success

27 Spiritual / Activities keep you renewed / Small group study / Attending services / Meditating / Immersing self in music and time for personal reflection / Activities keep you renewed / Small group study / Attending services / Meditating / Immersing self in music and time for personal reflection

28 Emotional / Create support networks / Do not feel you have to solve every problem on your own / Find someone to talk with that you trust / “Fill the Reserves” / Create support networks / Do not feel you have to solve every problem on your own / Find someone to talk with that you trust / “Fill the Reserves”

29 Effective Use of Time / Effective time management will help you experience all aspects of college and succeed / Make every minute count / Find suitable study times for each subject / Responsible flexibility allows for fun / Make enough nonwork areas that can be converted to work areas if needed / Effective time management will help you experience all aspects of college and succeed / Make every minute count / Find suitable study times for each subject / Responsible flexibility allows for fun / Make enough nonwork areas that can be converted to work areas if needed

30 Scheduling Work and Activities / Plan a schedule with: / Classes / Study Time / Includes Make-Up / Eating / Sleeping / Work / Student Organizations / Easier to drop activity to-school/Schedule/weekly.html Simple Effective Planner

31 Calendars / Daily and weekly calendars are important / Create a long-range schedule for big projects, exams, and other class items / Daily and weekly calendars are important / Create a long-range schedule for big projects, exams, and other class items

32 Organizing Tasks / To Do list every morning (or evening before) / Prioritize events with some system / Keep in mind long-term and intermediate goals when planning / To Do list every morning (or evening before) / Prioritize events with some system / Keep in mind long-term and intermediate goals when planning / Example of Prioritizing Method: / A = Vital / Needs Attn. Today / B = Important / Should be done soon / C = Optional / No one will notice if not completed today Franklin Covey Method

33 Prioritized Task List Example A3Finish Chem Lab (Due Tomorrow) A5Complete Math Assignment B3Outline English Paper A4Workout at Gym B2Debug Computer Program A6Annotate Math Notes B1Annotate Chem Notes A7Meditation C1Call Significant Other C2Write Parents A2Mail phone bill (due Mon.) C3Shop for movies A1Plan Day A3Finish Chem Lab (Due Tomorrow) A5Complete Math Assignment B3Outline English Paper A4Workout at Gym B2Debug Computer Program A6Annotate Math Notes B1Annotate Chem Notes A7Meditation C1Call Significant Other C2Write Parents A2Mail phone bill (due Mon.) C3Shop for movies A1Plan Day

34 Stay Effective / Tackle most important activities when at your best / Know what type of person you are and when you accomplish activities / Pace yourself / Tackle most important activities when at your best / Know what type of person you are and when you accomplish activities / Pace yourself

35 Accountability / Be accountable for your goals and intentions / Accountability partner / Share your goals/intentions / Meet about once a week for checks / Be accountable for your goals and intentions / Accountability partner / Share your goals/intentions / Meet about once a week for checks

36 Overcoming Challenges / Focus on Controllables / Figure out what can be done, if anything, to solve a problem / Keep it in Perspective / Examine real impact of situation / Move on to the Positive / Learn from negatives and move on / Remember, Everyone Fails / Focus on Controllables / Figure out what can be done, if anything, to solve a problem / Keep it in Perspective / Examine real impact of situation / Move on to the Positive / Learn from negatives and move on / Remember, Everyone Fails

37 Famous Person’s Accomplishments and Failures 1831 - Failed in Business 1832 - Defeated for Legislature 1833 - Failed in Business (again) 1834 - Elected to Legislature 1835 - Fiancé died 1838 - Defeated for Speaker 1840 - Defeated for Elector 1831 - Failed in Business 1832 - Defeated for Legislature 1833 - Failed in Business (again) 1834 - Elected to Legislature 1835 - Fiancé died 1838 - Defeated for Speaker 1840 - Defeated for Elector

38 Famous Person’s Accomplishments and Failures 1843 - Defeated for Congress 1846 - Elected to Congress 1848 - Defeated for Congress 1855 - Defeated for Senate 1856 - Defeated for Vice-President 1858 - Defeated for Senate 1843 - Defeated for Congress 1846 - Elected to Congress 1848 - Defeated for Congress 1855 - Defeated for Senate 1856 - Defeated for Vice-President 1858 - Defeated for Senate

39 Abraham Lincoln’s Accomplishments and Failures 1860 - Elected President / Accomplishment - Failure Record / 3 - 11 / Likely our greatest president 1860 - Elected President / Accomplishment - Failure Record / 3 - 11 / Likely our greatest president

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