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Feedback is very important and very much appreciated.

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1 Feedback is very important and very much appreciated

2 Engel Drobny Reid Physical Chemistry: For the Life Sciences 2008, Pearson Prentice-Hall Textbook

3 Instructor: Gabriele Varani Professor of Biochemistry and Professor of Chemistry Room J479, Bagley 63, Bagley 220 Phone: (206) 543 7113 Email: Teaching Assistant: Dr Yu Chen Email:

4 How to contact me: 1.Office hours WF 10:30-11 2.E.mail: varani@ chem.washington.eduvarani@ 3.Special meeting can be arranged as needed e.mail responses may come from my personal address

5 lecture notes homework solutions announcements Web site

6 Lectures: M W F9:30-10:20Bag 131 Tutorials Th9:30-10:30Bag 154 We will stop by regularly to help with homework Work in groups as much as you can Class times

7 10 homework sessions due each week 2-3 textbook problems, 1-2 extra problems 1-2 text questions It represents 25% of your grade Exams will be patterned on the homework problems High grade in homework leads to high grade in exams Work in groups as much as you can Homework

8 Midterm Apr 29, 1 hour Preparation on April 26 9:30-10 Final June 12 2 hours 8:30-10:20 Preparation June 6 9:30-10 Midterm 25% of total grade based on week 1-4 Final part 1 based on week 5-10 - 25% of total grade Final part 2 cumulative – 25% of total grade You will be allowed a 1-sided sheet with your own notes Examination

9 Solve quantitative biochemical and biophysical problems Provide detailed solutions Write equations/physical relationship clearly Display mathematical manipulations Provide correct numerical answers Demonstrate an understanding of the subject matter Be clear Examination

10 Course in two parts: statistical mechanics and transport quantum mechanics and spectroscopy Emphasis: Biological context and importance Physical description and interpretation of biological phenomena Microscopic nature of matter – living molecules Thermodynamics >>> statistical thermodynamics Transport >>> separation by size, shape Living molecules >>> structure and interactions spectroscopy Familiarity with algebra, differential and integral calculus Approximate schedule in syllabus Lecture content

11 Average grade will be set at 2.8-2.9 (per departmental policy) Best student(s) will get 4.0 Re-grading: written and clear requests only cutoff level: 5 points Grades

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