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1 busy busy busy. 2 There are two causes NormalSome time busy  Normal. Always busy  you have a problem.

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Presentation on theme: "1 busy busy busy. 2 There are two causes NormalSome time busy  Normal. Always busy  you have a problem."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 busy busy busy

2 2 There are two causes NormalSome time busy  Normal. Always busy  you have a problem.

3 3 The Art of Delegating IEEE / Spectrum magazine August 2005 By: Carl Selinger Prepared By Eng. Khaled U. Al-Afif

4 4 Introduction Delegating isn't easy, especially for engineers. I believe most young engineers tend to enjoy working alone as they go through school, perhaps having selected the profession because it allows them to work alone without having to deal with others. At some point in your career, you can no longer do it all and that to manage people and projects, you'll need to focus on using your higher-level skills.

5 5 Delegating involves 4 basic steps 1.Clearly describing the end product and when it is needed: –The fact is, people who report to you expect to be guided and are not going to blame you for "shirking" work. –Write down what you've agreed to (in a short e-mail, for instance), as this will help get the person started in the right direction and minimize any disagreement later.

6 6 Delegating involves 4 basic steps 2.Getting comfortable with the idea of other people doing the work : –Accept that the work will not be done exactly as you would have done it. –No one completes the same task in the same way. –This does not necessarily make another person's work wrong or inferior; in fact, it may be better than what you could have done

7 7 Delegating involves 4 basic steps 3.Keep track of delegated work: –A critical role for managers is to know what their people are doing at any given time and when the work is due.. –Develop a system for monitoring delegated tasks.

8 8 Delegating involves 4 basic steps 4.Give constructive feedback and criticism: –Try first to be as positive as possible about the work the person has done. –Any criticism should relate directly to the initial scope and deadline for the work.

9 9 Conclusion Delegating is a two-way street, so the two parties need to agree in order to produce what is needed in a timely manner.

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